View Full Version : Constant Pelvic ache ????? So down and so scared:(

01-11-11, 17:01
I am sorry that I am posting again just feeling so bad at the moment and everyday worrying more, on here is the only place people understand.

For nearly a week I have had a constant pelvic ache it's like period pain and is low on my left side, down my leg and my back.

I had a clear pelvic scan in April.

I am due on the 9th November.

The pain has gradually got worse since starting and no pain relief helps I have had ibuprofen, cocodomol and tried heat relief.

The pain is there all day even when I wake at night.

I went doctors today he did a internal examination he found discharge and took swabs, he also said my cervix was reddened and I began bleeding he said due to the irritation of the swabs. Tho I still have bloody mucas now?!

I am 25, they will not give me a smear as had a clear one when I was 23 and not due one till next year.

I asked what it could be that's causing such pain and he said wait for the swabs to come back. I asked if it could be ibs and he said the pain wouldn't be in the pelvis. So what is it? I am convinced it's the big C and cannot stop this feeling. I was rational saying it could be ibs, or pms or even old adhesions I have causing pain but after the discharge and blood today and that he said my uterus is enlarged..... Only coz I asked I am convinced it's bad, it has to be as the pain is 24/7 and no pain killer helps.

Please I just need to talk to someone, no one has this do they?

---------- Post added at 17:01 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

Anyone, or am I really alone on this I don't think it's normal. I read on everyones posts about pelvic pain that not to worry as if it was cancer it would be constant mine is constant 24/7 for 6days so far

01-11-11, 17:23
Don't worry, it is most probably a swollen ovary which will go away.

01-11-11, 17:39
Have you had this then

01-11-11, 17:41
No I am a male!!!! ;) check my profile!!!! ;)

01-11-11, 17:48
i am sorry you are feeling bad ,i dont know much about womens prob/s, but i had pain in my head for 2yrs,then pain in my sides bowels back for 51/2 yrs the pain in my shoulders and neck for 1 yr and god knows all other pain in all parts of my body, ibs and, the no one cause health anxiety and depression i thought it would never end ,and neary took my own life because of it ,when i was down, i picked my self back up no matter how hard it was ,the more you worry the worse its gets ,what i do now is when there is something wrong i dont think the worse i think its something minor ,anxiety can give all sorts of pain in your body ,try not to worry , i know how how your feeling, take care steve

01-11-11, 19:11
kirstynic, I had a similar pain 2 years ago (posted about it on here at the time) and it was a constant ache on the left side (sometimes it turned into a sharp pain as well). I had it continually for four months and I wass convinced it was ovarian in origin. I went to the GPs several times and to be honest they were pretty dismissive and did say it could be IBS. Eventually I asked for a scan, which I had and which showed nothing. The pain did subside shortly afterwards. I still get pelvic pains like period pains from time to time and sometimes they can last all month. I have been told by a friend who has endometriosis that it causes similar symptoms. I am not a doctor, but from your description, it sounds like you could have some kind of pelvic infection (easily treatable with antibiotics), so it probably is a good idea just to wait and see what the swab results say. I think you are very brave going to the docs in the first place, but I also know ho awful it is to be in pain and not know what is causing it. We always think the worst...HA is a horrible condition.

01-11-11, 19:49
Have you had children yet?
It sounds like you could have endometriosis, I have mild period pain all through the month and its bad and severe during my menstrual cycle and my older sister who is 28 I am your age by the way, both of us dont have children yet, well she got endo last year and I am going for tests on it.

That is the only thing I can think of that it could be, as I have IBS symptoms too and it does mimic endo and pelvic pain.

Is period pain unbearable when you are menstruating?
Do you not sleep around like your not sexually active all the time?
You have no children yet?

I'm not saying to go and sleep around everyday and get yourself pregnant but sometimes women that dont do that are more prone to endometriosis. Its not serious at all it just means you may not be able to have children the longer you leave it and not get it sorted.

01-11-11, 21:09
Hi thankyou for your replies

I am 25 I have a 3 year old, I had a laproscopy in 2007 as they suspected endo due to painful sex but I didn't have it. They found adhesions and removed some tho some still remain.

Could ibs cause this constant ache?
If I had a transvaginal scan in April could something bad developed since then

01-11-11, 21:50
IBS can usually radiate the pain right through your pelvic area, groin and butt area and in the bowel especially if you are having a painful flare.

I have IBS its mainly the pain side of things though even though I am going to get tested for endo aswell.

I have been experiencing a period pain ache but its mainly in my pelvic area and have been getting it everyday now.

2007 is four years ago it may pay to go back and get tested for endo again and those adhesions you say could be what is causing it too.

I wouldnt be worried about cancer or anything as if you have experienced this sort of thing before and painful sex is a classic symptom too. But it wouldnt hurt to ask to get referred to get an ultrasound done so they can have a proper look for you.

All the best


02-11-11, 08:53

I had a ultrasound done in April and it was all clear do you think so
Something could have developed since then, as they won't do another one so soon after

02-11-11, 18:13
Hi Kirstynic,
Im sorry you are suffering with this, I am going through a similar problem with IBS pains but not really in my pelvic so cant really give you any advise on your specific problem, but just so you know that you are not alone. My symptoms have been loitering around for about 6 or so weeks but have not been too bad, then suddenly I read an article in a magazine about womens reproductive problems over the weekend and suddenly my symptoms have become 1000 times worse and also pain killers have no effect!! Of course I am worrying myself stupid too so I know how you feel. Please let us know how you get on.
Always xx