View Full Version : i now have absolutely no reason to panic - but why am i?!

01-11-11, 15:01
i just postponed my college course to next september due to my panic and anxiety attacks. I should be less panicky but instead i feel like i'm in shock and i'm trying to wind myself up but theres no reason to.

Could this just be a habit that is now being broken and yeah

Yesterday when i had confirmed i was postponing college i had like ... a mini breakdown...i was shaking my heart was racing my thoughts were all over the place thinking the most stupid things like "omg i'm going to get worse and go into a mental home" ....see what i mean by stupid...

I now have a year to do whatever the hell i want so how can i just calm down and be carefree?

Any tips? xxx

01-11-11, 17:16
You should not think too much about what "will" happen "If" etc. You are one like everyone else, maybe even smarter, and better in doing a task than others who "happily" do that task without getting stressed!

Believe this and have fun!

02-11-11, 12:34
you sound very much like me, I have a nice house, am getting married next year and 3 kids but all I can think about is panicing and feeling ill all the time, I just want to feel normal again xx

02-11-11, 16:35
I totally know where you are coming from. I get this, and the thoughts of going mad. Have you spoken to your doctor? It may be worth looking into some treatments, whether they me meds, therapies like CBT etc?

02-11-11, 19:06
The best words of advice i think i can offer you are to turn those ''what if's'' into ''so whats!'' .... i ought to do this lol