View Full Version : Anxiety?

01-11-11, 15:23
Hi all,

For the past 3 weeks or so I have had headaches on and off in all areas of my head and I have never really experienced headaches in my life until now (28 years old) Today I realised that my eye sight is a bit out of focus in one eye and I feel a little sick. My eye sight has always been perfect, so I don't think that it is something caused by eye deteration.

I have been working in an airconditioned office for the past 9 months it always brings on a mucus cough as my body must be reacting to the dry air.

Is this all anxiety or am I coming down with something?

I'm a bit worried that it could be something more serious?

01-11-11, 16:44
Hi Matt
Actually eye sight and headaches can be closely connected, you should go for eye test because that might be the cause of your headaches!

01-11-11, 17:41
Hi Matt I'm afraid it is a fact of life that eyes don't stay perfect. You should get your eyesight checked every 2 years and if you work on a computer then get them checked every year. Chances are that the headaches are connected to your eyes which may be fine but drying out in the air con. An optician will advise on how to deal with this. Go get your eyes tested.

02-11-11, 12:41
Thank you for your replies. I have booked myself in for an eye test on Saturday morning.......