View Full Version : Dentist phobia... EEEK! help :(

01-11-11, 15:27
So I have not been to the dentist in over 4 years!
I'm so terrified of it and I don't know why..
I'm also scared of needles and passed out at my last blood test.

2 years ago I noticed my gum was receeding after wearing braces and it still has not grown back and the gum is flappy and loose and i'm terrified of loosing my tooth!!!!... So this morning I had a very weird moment , decided to book an appointment and sign myself up with the local dentist and my appointment is tomorrow at 12:15 !
I dont know if I have the guts to actually go tomorrow :(
I hate any slight pain... needles and just dentists in general..
I'm also very very worried about the cost !


01-11-11, 15:31

This may help...


01-11-11, 16:02
Hey, I totally get your fear. I went to the dentist a few weeks ago after not having gone for 5 years. But in the end I knew if I kept putting it off, I'd just be more scared and my teeth were just getting worse. In actuality the appointment was definitely no where near as bad as I thought it would be and I am so glad it's done.

You should just get it over with, it is scary but then you will be glad when it's over.

Good luck!

01-11-11, 17:51
Hi Stepni I had this phobia and to some extent still do. Go to your appointment and tell your dentist that you have a phobia. S/he won't be surprised and can do a lot to help you. When I go I take a cushion with me to put in the small of my back so that its easier to relax in the chair and if I have to have treatment I take my MP3 player and listen to some soothing music. My dentist is fine about it and tells me that he has recommended this to other nervous patients. If he wants to talk to me he touches my shoulder and I can take the earphones off my ears. It really is a good way of dealing with the problem...but go....it is much better to have any dental treatment done early than to leave it and end up with toothache.....and don't forget to tell the dentist if you are on medication.

01-11-11, 19:09
Ooh, I think most of us dislike dentists. I had to go today but I'm blessed with a lovely young woman who totally understands my fear and is very gentle with me. I explained my phobia the first time I went and she said they're taught how to look after people like me. I needed a clean but have a terror of anything that sounds like a drill so she did it all by hand and said she'd stop the moment I became uncomfortable with it. If yours isn't so understanding, just change to another dentist in the practice who is.. that's what I did. Good luck and let us know how it went x