View Full Version : After two hours at counselling....

01-11-11, 17:15
I feel exhausted, tried to sleep but couldnt, I felt a little sick but thats not so bad now. I cant believe that after sitting in a group for two hours being taught that I could feel like this... its washed me out..

Anyone else get this?

01-11-11, 23:13
Yep. :hugs: It is totally exhausting trying to go through any form of therapy, especially at first. Not only are you taking in new information, you are challenging your brain to change behaviours. You might be remembering painful events from the past and your hopes are up for a way through, as well as your anxiety state.

It does get better! Try to plan some relaxation time when you get home from a session. :)

02-11-11, 07:25
Thank you for your advice Chem xx