View Full Version : Anybody taken Paxil?

01-11-11, 21:20
My 21 year old son was just prescribed it today. I am scared to death for him to take it. I don't think he's really depressed, just way over stressed. Has anybody here taken Paxil?

01-11-11, 23:26
How does he feel about taking it? Did he discuss his problems with a doctor who knows his full medical history before being prescribed it? We all react differently to meds and what works for one person doesn't for another.

It's hard as a mother to accept that maybe his problems are more than you thought. Alternately, the doc may be giving him a strong but short course to help him through the immediate crisis. I think you have to remember that your son is an adult capable of deciding about the meds for himself. You might not like it, but if your son has faith in the doctor, then one way to reduce his stress is to support him with the medication he has been given.

02-11-11, 00:34
Well he is 21, just moved out 6 months ago. Has a full time job and is taking night classes two nights a week. Recently got engaged, they say they are going to wait a year. He doesn't have any savings and only makes 11.00 per hour. His fiance doesn't work. He is so stressed and worried about money. He is no where near ready to get married financially. He told the doctor he can't sleep, has headaches and has no appetite. From that the doctor prescribed paxil. Said for him to take it for one month and then go back to see him. Told him if it helps then he would prescribe it for a year but no longer I believe. It just worries me because I know that he is just really stressed. I've heard that if you are under 24 it can sometimes cause suicidal thoughts. That really scares me.