View Full Version : decisions about moving??

01-11-11, 21:23
I'm going to view a 1 bedroom flat tommorow and no one can come with me so I'm papping it! All I can think is what if I get lost or I arrive before the estate agent and I'm standing around looking odd.
I also can't decide if I should live alone or not.
On one hand I'm excited about it and think it would be good for me to have my own space (I'm currently living with 4 messy men!).
But in the back of my mind there is this image that I can see, what if one day I panic and can't leave the house, what if someone breaks in and I'm in there alone, what if I convince myself it's haunted or bad (I know that last one is stupid but I watch too much horror).
Maybe I'll feel better about it once I've seen it. I seem to be struggling to turn negative thoughts around at the moment :-/ hence all the what ifs.
Does anyone live alone and how do you find it? x

01-11-11, 21:59
stand there with a A toZ in your hand
people will just think your looking for some where
dont worry
god bless

01-11-11, 22:49
take the first step, go and see the flat, then take time to think things through, you will make the right decision, i know it can be scary the thought of living alone, but if you are not ready for it yet, stick with your messy men lol, untill you are, but you will be surprised what you can do when you try. good luck x

02-11-11, 08:26
thanks guys, and london great idea! I'm gunna take my college folder :D x

02-11-11, 11:31
You could take your phone and fiddle with that while you wait, I know lots of people do this so they don't look on their own. I've done that when waiting for friends to meet me. It's most likely people don't notice you or wonder what you're doing, people are far too wrapped up in what they're doing.

I've really liked living on my own, it can be lonely but even living with people can be lonely if you don't know them well or they spend a lot of time on their own or out. If you're not close to the 4 messy men you live with it could be a really good thing, it's really nice to have your own space with all your stuff.

I understand your fears, I was burgled once when I shared a house and even afterwards one of my housemates kept leaving the front door unlocked - it terrified me and I had to get out of there. At least on your own you know you don't have to rely on other people to be safe or clean, etc.

Good luck with it, looking at flats can be really fun you might find you really enjoy it.

02-11-11, 18:16
Thanks weevil! I did take my phone and just spoke to my friend until the estate lady arrived.
I think I'm going to take it anyway it was nice and I'm quite excited about having my own place now :-) also my pets are allowed so I wont be completely stuck for company.
The guys I live with presently one is my brother and the others are friends so it will be sad to leave, but then on the other hand the toilet seat will always be down and clean! hurrah!
I'm going to try to turn any anxiety I have into excitement :-)
That does sound scary about your burgling though maybe I should get a guard dog

02-11-11, 18:45
Thanks weevil! I did take my phone and just spoke to my friend until the estate lady arrived.
I think I'm going to take it anyway it was nice and I'm quite excited about having my own place now :-) also my pets are allowed so I wont be completely stuck for company.
The guys I live with presently one is my brother and the others are friends so it will be sad to leave, but then on the other hand the toilet seat will always be down and clean! hurrah!
I'm going to try to turn any anxiety I have into excitement :-)
That does sound scary about your burgling though maybe I should get a guard dog

but that are pleased no more knickers in the bath lol

03-11-11, 18:04
Glad you liked the place, I don't want to make you afraid of getting burgled though, if it helps our front door was unlocked so as long as you make sure yours is then don't worry!

Will you be far away from your current place? You can always visit them so it's not so lonely then go back home to your nice clean place :)

06-11-11, 23:34
due to work mucking up my pay someone else got the flat :-( but our landlady here is letting us stay until end of jan which is good

07-11-11, 00:07
thats good that you have no worries over christmas hopefully fresh year fresh start im 27 moved into my first house 3 years ago now and its so much better you can do what you want if you ever need to chat add me as a friend as im online most nights

07-11-11, 01:17
I think live Alone lol, you have your own space, you will get used to it to. With internet/and so forth there's always people you can jump on talk too. I love Living alone, I can block the world out. Goodluck moving it's exciting but the moving kind of sux lol.

07-11-11, 16:16
Sorry you missed out on it, I missed out on one recently too. Sometimes it can be for the best, now you have more time to get used to the idea and you don't hate who you live with. It was better I missed out on mine as it's going to be longer than I wanted before I can leave where I am and I might not even be staying in the same town now.