View Full Version : In a bad panic

01-11-11, 21:56
Hey, I am in a right panic because I work in admin and I've done something so stupid, I have been clicking on a case and then seeing it's a difficult one and going out of it but going to work is so hard for me that i just try to find ways to make it easier. We had a meeting today and it was mentioned that some people have been doing this but I can't help think it was just me. The boss said she will talk to individuals about It and I'm so scared now. I know it's my own fault though and I always get myself into situations like this. I'm in a real panic about going in tomorrow now. Any advice? What shall I say when they confront me? Can anyone relate?

Please reply ASAP

Love Louise xxx

01-11-11, 22:55
first of all don't panic louise, i'm sure you will not be the only one, and your boss might not even talk to you, do your company know that you suffer with anxiety? maybe there is someone there who you can trust to speak too, but these things are never as bad as we think they are going to be. don't worry it will be ok. take care x

02-11-11, 11:00
If you feel up to it you could always go to them first and tell them what's up? They shouldn't be hard on you if you're being honest. It would take away the worry of wondering if or when they're going to come to you.

I had a sort of similar thing once, it was a temp job but it was admin. I'd been mislead about how much of the job involved cold calling and making phone calls freaks me out. I got so panicked at doing it one day I avoided the calls and found something else to do instead. It was obvious something was up so I was honest about how I felt. I was really lucky, they swapped me with someone else they were going to put upstairs doing data entry. I still had to do a few phone calls because I'd had the training to talk to customers but it wasn't as many and was checking errors on their forms instead of cold calling so it wasn't as scary.

03-11-11, 18:54
I've heard of loads of people in admin jobs doing that. I wouldn't worry too much, worse thing that can happen is they ask u why and you explain it to them. I would advise you be honest and tell them that while you are capable of doing your job you're trying to be responsible by dealing with cases you feel the most confident with. I really doubt your the only one, at least you have a genuine reason.

04-11-11, 16:19
don't worry, just explain your situation and someone else has probably done it as well.

07-02-12, 09:47
Why are you doing this, what Asthma got to do with it?

07-02-12, 12:24
It was a spammer - deleted posts and banned now