View Full Version : Need advice and help?

01-11-11, 23:21
Hey all,

i have been suffering recently with stomach cramps and then rush off to the toilet.

However i do have some ibs symptoms, i am not convinced it is. As i have abdominal pain from worrying about needing the toilet however when i go or relax the pain goes away.

I just want to get this sorted as its a real pain. I just need to relax, plus i don't get it everyday probs once a month or recently quite often as i focus on it.

I worry about needing the toilet i get stomach pains, then go to the toilet only about twice, not really diarrhea tho just loose.

apart from that i only go normally once a day.

Just need some advice as i don't think its IBS, its anxiety thats doing this. If i get these cramps can i ease this with medicine or just relaxation.

New to the forum too so a big hello



02-11-11, 22:50
Hello Ollie,

Welcome to NMP!

I'm afraid I can't offer you any advice but I know that I get stomach pains etc when I get over-anxious. And, strangely enough, when I eat a lot of chocolate!

I hope someone will be able to help out with your question.

Wendy :)

03-11-11, 08:45

This is exactly how I've been feeling for the past couple of weeks. For me, its definitely anxiety that causes it. I gave in and went to the doctor and they've prescribed me Citalopram. The first couple of weeks have been hard but finally think I'm starting to turn a corner. Apparently a lot of the serotonin in your body is through your digestive system so when you get anxious or low, it can cause problems with your digestion. I know for me, I tend to tense my stomach muscles as a way of controlling my anxiety, unfortunately thats the worst thing you can do!

I would go and talk to your GP about it, they may have some suggestions and at least they can check you out which might put your mind at rest.

03-11-11, 14:26
Don't get yourself dehydrated. See! It brings one near to the death. But you don't worry.
Just take much water.
'Nimotiam' is a medicine that you can use if there is not a serious problem of it.