View Full Version : Quick Question about B complex

25-05-06, 14:11
with vitamin C. I was going to start taking it this morning, but I am so afraid it will give me too much energy. I am also going off my beta blocker (to slow down my heart) and I am afraid that the b vitamins will make my heart race.

Any suggestions?

25-05-06, 16:18
Hi Kelly, I take 50mg B in the morning and 500mg C with lunch and haven't had any problems at all.
Love Helen

25-05-06, 17:01
I am just thinking the b-complex might be too much at first
it is like 500% of all the B vitamins you need in a day at once.

25-05-06, 18:44
I have bought some vit-B complex. It was on offer. It is vit-b extra strength. Bit unsure if it will be too strong. Taking meds for anxiety also.

Jenny xxxxxx

25-05-06, 19:57
Hi Kelly
I take vitamin b complex because it is supposed to be good for the nervous system. When you have anxiety and panis attacks you use up large amounts of b vit. So it is a good idea to take it if you can. I have no problems taking it, but some people say it can turn your wee orange! I hope it makes a diiference for you, but if you are still uncertain ask in the health food shop.

Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

25-05-06, 20:09
Thank you for your reply. I just wanted to make sure it didn't make me anymore energetic then I already am. My normal pulse is around 95 right now. I have heard great things about b vitamins though.

I will start taking them in the morning and see what happens :-)

26-05-06, 19:30
Well I took it, and didnt' feel any different so that is a good thing!