View Full Version : Night sweats!

02-11-11, 08:34
My husband has been getting terrible night sweats lately. He wakes up drenched, sometimes including his head. I've googled it and am scared it's something bad. I asked him if he thinks he should go to the doctor, but he doesn't think it's anything other than overheating in bed because the room's too warm or he's wrapped up too much in the duvet. But I'm in the same room and I don't overheat. He did go through a spell of this a few years ago, but now it's come back. Can anyone please help, as I'm starting to panic!


02-11-11, 09:25
You haven't recently got one of these memory foam matresses have you? We did, it is so comfortable but VERY VERY hot.

I am sweating like a sweaty thing since we got ours.

Oh and by the way a friend of our gets night sweats so badly him and his wife often have to change the sheets of a night. Has been checked out for everything by the doctor and is the fittest bloke I know (runs up mountains etc) so probably nothing to worry about.

07-11-11, 08:35
Thanks for the reply. We do have a memory foam mattress, but when he got night sweats in the past, we had a different bed, so I'm not sure it's that. Last night, he said it was mainly his head that sweated. That doesn't sound normal at all. Wish I could stop worrying, but I keep thinking there's an underlying condition causing sudden temperature changes.