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02-11-11, 11:03
hello. my name is rebecca i am 16 years old and live on my own. i have suffered from depression and anxiety for years. as well as self harming and panick attacks i am also beginning to develop agraphobia.
i am getting help from councilling and from where i live. but it isnt enough atm i am really struggling for many reasons.
i am hoping this website will help to give me advice and make me feel more normal. please message me if you think you could help :yesyes:

02-11-11, 11:05
Hi R.Barratt

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-11-11, 14:33
Hi Rebecca :)

02-11-11, 14:39
hello i was hoping someone would be online who i could talk to im feeling really depressed

03-11-11, 14:01
hello :) i am new as well message me xxx

03-11-11, 23:34
Hi Rebecca, im happy to chat if you like. just drop me a line.. i suffer a lot of the same things as you.

jane x

03-11-11, 23:36
Hi, sorry you feel so alone- but there's lots of us trying to cope and finding it hard. Nice to find somewhere you can actually talk about it. I hope you find some support and friendship here X