View Full Version : hello all.

02-11-11, 14:08
Hi my name is kay.I have had severe gad for 4 years now.after finally going to the drs and having a million blood tests and visiting places like this i have now accepted i had a anxiety problem.im currently on citalopram and have done more in the past 3 weeks then i have in my 4 years of living with this hell of anxiety depression,derealization and feeling ill and not me.some days are better then others.this website has helped me so much and a book by Clare weeks i never thought i would be cured and im far from it but im acceptance it more as i want to live my life.i will never be the old me. i think i have had this too long but even to fell a bit normal is so much of a relief:).

02-11-11, 14:10
Hi kaythescamp

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-11-11, 14:18
Hi Kay well done you, this sounds like myself ive felt like this for years had my ups and downs, recently more down and decided to try and get my life back on track, so ive just started on 40mg propanalol and im signed off work hoping to go anxiety classes. PM me if you would like a chat xx

02-11-11, 14:22
hi. im new to the site today. well done for being so positive and accepting you struggle with anxiety. it makes it so much worse when you deny you have a problem. :)

02-11-11, 14:42
I feel so stupid now.i have worried my self to much.thinking i have all these diseases when its been anxiety all along.the feeling of not been me and like its all a dream was/is horrible.it has so many physical effects too.it started with a massive panic attack and from there turned into hell.I have bad days and i log on here and within a few minutes i tell myself u will be fine and it passes.I want to give as much help and advise as i can to people. its a horrible thing to deal with and when not many people understand and they tell u to just snap out of it.:)

02-11-11, 14:58
Hi and welcome :D i too suffer anxiety and panics attacks and also taking cit! I love this site and the care and support you get is so reassuring x x