View Full Version : Hi all its chrissy and need help

25-05-06, 18:52
As you all know ive recovered alot from my last episode but just lately ive been feeling kinda crappy again. today I actually cried and felt totally out control. I havent been sleeping well at all - most nites im up at least 6-7 times! I am constantly tired and feeling unrested. Im wondering if this could be the cause of my emotions and thoughts being a bit out of control? I feeling a bit DP'ed out(depersonalization) and wondering if that could be why??? thanks everyone!

25-05-06, 19:00
Hi, the fact that you're not sleeping may be why you feel so grot or it may be a blip, are you on meds at all? At least you are catching it early and you've beat it before so you can do it again - i think the key is to make sure yu do something now and not let the symptoms get out of control - have you been to dr?
Sorry not a lot of help really hope you feel better soon
Take care


'This too will pass'

25-05-06, 19:57

You said you can't sleep? Are you eating sugary foods at all? Because that can make you have a bit more energy and will change your sleep pattern. Or then again if you have got a lot of things on your mind at the moment that can also change your sleep patter. Hope this helps.

x x

25-05-06, 19:57

I think that sleep deprevation is possibly one of your problems. There are a number of tricks you can use to try to get a good nights sleep. 1. On no account doze or sleep after 3 in the afternnon.
2. Set up a routine i.e try to go to bed at the same time everyday
3 Keep out of the bedroom unless you are cleaning it, sleeping in it at night or having sex
4 Cut down on your caffine intake before bed have a milky drink, this relaxes you and helps sleep
5 Do not use alcahol to indice sleep, its not sleeping and is worse than staying awake
6. If you are tossing and turning for more than an half an hour get up and do something else for a half hour
7 Use a re;axation cd
8 Do not read before bedtime this activates the mind and stops you sleeping
9. Try to leave your problems outside the bedroom door (a hard one that)

Another problem could be sleep aponea, see your doctor and he will probably send you to the hospital for a test

I hope these steps help you out


25-05-06, 21:00

i know if ive had a few nights were the kids are up and restless that i will pay fo it in the days to come

lack of sleep and food makes mine sooo much worse


26-05-06, 16:45
hi chrissy,

i know if im not sleeping ok everything feels twice as hard as it usually does.

most of the time i do think that how i am feeling, is usually the reason for not sleeping well in the first place. rather than the lack of sleep creating the feelings.

anyway hope your well, take care .. andrew