View Full Version : I had been doing so well

02-11-11, 18:36
I've been feeling pretty good over the last couple of weeks however it's all gone downhill since yesterday :-( I've convinced myself that I'm about to have a heart attack and drop down dead!!

Please convince me it's that enemy anxiety!!

Laine x

02-11-11, 18:38
Probably your Iron or B12 level is dropped that you are feeling like this.

You don't get heart attack that easily!!! Don't worry!

02-11-11, 19:12
A little setback, however crushing it feels while it's going on. Remember, it's only going downhill because it's been going quite well until now.

I've been feeling this way for a few days after getting back out there and living life, I guess exhaustion of a sort; but it's wearing off now. I'm sure it will for you, too.

Feel better soon!

02-11-11, 19:17
Its def our arch enemy Mr (or Mrs) anxiety!!! they just seem to rear their ugly head when we least expect it :mad: xx

03-11-11, 07:06
thats one of the things I find hardest about anxiety - the fact that I can be doing so well and then it comes out of the blue!!

Have had a really horrible couple of days!!

03-11-11, 07:18
Ive also had a couple of bad days after a good run even had a panic attack this morning :huh: its awful x x

03-11-11, 08:19
Hi Laine
It's the old enemy testing you. Stay strong and see this as a last ditch attempt by the anxiety. Use all you have learnt to move through this and feel better.

03-11-11, 08:57
I had a few good days last week and then I somehow deliberately go checking myself for signs of disease. I know I'm doing it and I can't stop myself it's so bloody OCD. In the past two weeks I have had a suspicious lump checked out ( totally harmless) and now am back to my old favourite, BC. Having thorughly exhausted possibilities on one breast I've moved my focus to the other. i am on day 15 of Sertraline and I hope it kicks in soon. My thought processes are slightly smoother but I so want to be like other people and not have this nagging fear. I know that I have to obsess about something if it's not my health it's something else. I have this form conviction that I have no right to be happy and I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop.