View Full Version : So scared I have breast cancer or lymphoma.

02-11-11, 19:00
My left breast started being sore about ovulation time, it was like a dull ache and a pinching feeling on my nipple, the achy feeling would go to my armpit and arm. I've felt for lumps but can't feel any. It feels mors like the tissue or glands hurt. It's scared it's cancer at a advanced stage. Or something Like lymphoma. I can't get an appointment till next wk. Its been going on roughly 3 wks. I dont usually experience breast pain with my cycles. Could it be hormones or muscular?? I'm so scared.

Lele x

03-11-11, 00:07
I had breast pain earlier this year. As I'd had 2 cysts a few years ago, I was sent for a mammogram and a scan, but there was nothing there. The consultant I saw said they don't understand yet why breast pain occurs, but when there is pain it's highly unlikely there is cancer.

I was told to wear a supportive bra day and night. The pain has stopped hapening now. I hope this reassures you :hugs:

03-11-11, 07:22
Thanks but I'm still really scared. Anyone else have this?

03-11-11, 07:41
Hi, I have been having this for a few months now on and off, just in the left breast, i couldn't feel any lumps at all but made an appointment to see dr, I was so scared just like you. The dr felt both breasts an said there definitely wasn't anything sinister and it was just hormonal he suggested trying evening primrose oil, I have been on that for about 10 days now.
Hope that helps

Hazel x

03-11-11, 08:21
Hi thanks I've been in EPO for almost 2 wks now. Thanks for your post it helps. Has yours gone away?

Lele x

03-11-11, 08:28
It has got better but did have pains yesterday, the dr said they may or may not work lol. He suggested I come off the pill but that would just make my anxiety wors

I am certain yours sounds just like mine, keep me posted, I was searching the boards 2 weeks ago for someone who had/has the same.