View Full Version : Dealing with panic-anxiety at work!

02-11-11, 19:02
Hi everyone, i am struggling to get through a day at work, from the minute i wake i am nervous, nervous about having to go to work, the drive there is hard work, especially when i am in traffic, lights, junctions and so on. The day is full of one panic after another and if i am having an ok day the panic is replaced with anxiety, constant checking in on how i feel. I am obsessed with how i feel.

Im a single mum and struggle financially as it is, i have taken far too much time off and its only a matter of time before i get a warning. This causes me so much worry, i feel so much pressure to go to work because phoning in sick again is just ridiculous, i can imagine them on the other end of the phone thinking '' What? Again!'' when i ring in sick.

Sleepless nights, night after night after night, i wake up tired, fight anxiety all day long, try to be a good mum, do all the mumsy things, including taking care of the house and i am TIRED, i dont know how much longer my body can keep doing this. ( Im not suicidal, i am just down and tired of being on this anxious round-a-bout, i want to get off but dont know how to?)

Sorry for the long post, i just wondered how others deal with working, being parents, doing those things we have to do regardless of how we feel.

Thanks for reading. :hugs:

02-11-11, 19:48
hello :) so sorry about how your feeling, i always admire people with children, i dont know how you do it! i find it hard to look after my dog and work lol!! i can undertsnad the feelings you have though, i am exactly the same, it came to a head last week though and i felt like i had been hit by a bus i was that exhausted! so i have been to my doc and i have been signed off for 2 weeks and started on meds ( i have always been to scared to take these.) have u had blood tests done to rule anything out?

02-11-11, 20:16
I'm feeling the same and I don't have anyone else to take care of but myself and that's hard enough right now so i applaud you!!! you are really strong.

I'm on medication and have been for the past 2 weeks, it's not helping yet so each day I feel like you mentioned, wake up anxious, try and get through work, exhausted at the end of each day.. but i'm hoping for a change soon :/

02-11-11, 20:22
I have a dog too and walking him daily can be a nightmare for me when i am feeling bad.

I have had no blood taken, not for years, 12 years to be exact when i was last pregnant. My doctors are a bit rubbish and really have no time for anyone with panic-anxiety.

What would i be asking to be checked on a blood test if i ask for one?

---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 20:17 ----------

I'm feeling the same and I don't have anyone else to take care of but myself and that's hard enough right now so i applaud you!!! you are really strong.

I'm on medication and have been for the past 2 weeks, it's not helping yet so each day I feel like you mentioned, wake up anxious, try and get through work, exhausted at the end of each day.. but i'm hoping for a change soon :/

I think everyone single one of us on this planet that live with this debilitating illness are stronger than we think, living with this day in, day out regardless of our situations is flippin' hard work, yet we all manage to somehow make it through another day. :hugs:

02-11-11, 23:50
Hi Mindful :)

You should tell your employer/boss/manager about how you're feeling. Believe me, it will take a weight off your shoulders.

I had a lot of days off sick from uni/placement (I'm a student midwife) and I didn't tell them what was happening with anxiety/panic, I just told them I'd been ill.

But then one of my mentors called my personal tutor for a chat and I ended up explaining to her what was really going on. Instead of her being annoyed like I expected her to be, she was very sympathetic. Just feeling understood and like you're not trying to "hide" something will take the pressure off you. Since I've shared it with Uni, I've felt like a big weight is off my shoulders, even though I thought telling them would be of no use and they would think I wasn't fit for the job.

So, tell them :) you may be surprised how supportive they can be xx

03-11-11, 00:23
Hi everyone am really struggling to sleep due to anxiety attacks is there any tips

03-11-11, 10:39
i know what you mean ive been to see so many different docs, then i seen a new doc the other other week and he was so nice and helpful, he said first of all he wanted to rule anything out with blood tests, i got checked for thyroid, iron levels (ferrous i think its called) and few others, i found out my iron levels are very low so im on iron tabs too (this could be part of the tiredness i have) so i would try for that, i was quite frustrated when i went to see this doc and said i want this sorting so i would try this approach if u can, PM me if you would like a chat/advise xx

Stephanie Plum
06-11-11, 20:27
I'm the same. Back at work tomorrow after yet another sick day. Dreading it. Haven't told them what's wrong as they wouldn't understand. Doc has given me a weeks worth of meds to tide me over which are just taking the edge off, but don't know what I'll do after that. Exhausted.