View Full Version : I'm fed up with people

02-11-11, 20:50
I feel really fed up with people and just can't see much change ahead it's been going on years.

I hate my job I'm in..its filling shelves in a shop all day not much customer service compared to other jobs..the staff none of them I really socialise out of work with and I hardly see my mates these days as they have "other lives" to live.

Dating..still have no luck had a date a few weeks ago first in 7 months and I never really clicked with her.

I'd like to move out as it's not much better at home..I asked for less hours at work tonight due to stress...they said I'm a good worker so it's a shame to lose my hours but I feel guilty about this but doing nothing on days off won't be much better..I'll have to look for another job. I also worry what if in the future I have a house and can't just drop hours? I'm lucky I stay at home but coping with dead end jobs is really hard so how do others cope? take long term sick? take any old job? just do the less hours?

When I think back to when I "was happy" it was when I had good friends or a girlfriend or good job but for 4 and a half years I've had year after year of being miserable and uncontent with my job, mates..being single. I duno what to do but I'm going to apply for an evening class at college again but it's all pretty desperate. I feel hopeless like I have to put up with this. I find it very hard to focus on a hobby because all around me I feel is negative people or people I can't connect with in a good friendship.

I really don't know how to change it, yes look for another job but my situation is I've been in four jobs in the past 4 years and a few spells unemployed so who's to say next job or a second job if I get one won't be another misery? I arranged a night out for my birthday a few weeks back and nobody came so I actually feel who are my friends these days? :huh: Why when I try so hard to make my life good, is it the opposite?

02-11-11, 22:03
You sound very down :(

Its very hard to have a positive outlook when everything around is so cr@p, but you must try and see the good in everything, there is good there if you're willing to look for it, ok so some aspects of your life are not how you want them. Only you can change this, try to add things into your life that make you smile and get rid of those that make you frown. Easy said i know, but whats the alternative?

04-11-11, 16:53
the key to this is your spare time, ok so your job is rubbish and you do not like your co workers but just separate that from your life. Look elsewhere to improve your social life, join a group or do volunteer work.