View Full Version : So is this what it's come too?

02-11-11, 23:38
Found out tonight that my cousin has hung himself after his wife left him for another man, we were very close and its obviously very upsetting and not helping me in my condition.....

But the family and friends are flocking round me incase I do something stupid? I just said why would I do anything? I got a responce of "well erm"
Do they think im crazy or something? they are setting me back far worse, is this the stigma of mental health, they can shove there help!! :mad:

02-11-11, 23:46
really sorry to hear that, sad news :hugs::hugs:

02-11-11, 23:47
So sorry about your cousin x x

My first reaction is wow your family care about you , but I can see why it makes you feel bad. I guess they are still in shock and well if you have anxiety or depression then in their view you are the most likely to maybe do the same.

Depression messes with your mind and so does anxiety .
I would be honest , thank for their concern and tell them how it makes you feel.
They may or may not listen , I would think protecting you might be giving them some sort of comfort if they feel guilt about what happend your cousin .

02-11-11, 23:47
I'm very sorry for your loss.

Most people feel the need to "do" something when someone dies. I suppose as your family and friends know you're not feeling good, they are trying to be protective and help you. It's as much for themselves as for you.

Everyone's emotions will be running high. I hope you can manage to reach through your own grief and you can all support each other.

02-11-11, 23:48
I'm really sorry for your loss.

I empathise with your situation regarding family and friends, I've felt the same way through difficult times in my life. It's really difficult for people who don't go through what we go through to understand, and they can come at things from the wrong angle, despite having the best intentions. Have you tried explaining this to them?

All the best!

03-11-11, 01:05
Hi everyone, many thanks for your kind words, always means a lot.
I have got rid of them all now, they were really upsetting me, I sleep on the settee with tv on, kitchen light on etc, got my little routine and they were sat around talking about me as if I was not there? the thing is they really really do not know what I am going through yet they are all experts, they all know what triggered it but all have there own ideas? I have told them to Google panic and anxiety and have a read, it would be easier than me trying to explain without looking nuts!
I was hallucinating Sunday night, I was in a barn with stuffed animal heads hanging over me, I dont think they would believe me but if the NHS website says the sufferer may hallucinate then they would believe it, god I just seem to be banging my head here, I said I cant go to the funeral and I just got "well it might not be till end of next week", oh goody I should be cured by then! epic fail