View Full Version : I Flew, I Flew - from FLA to CA and back!!!

26-05-06, 04:21
Hi all,

I did it! Boy are my arms tired... lol I faced my fears head on. The first flight was good. The second flight I couldn't even sit next to my husband and it was a small plane so that was scary. Flying back was not as smooth. The second plane back made funny noises and even my husband was worried but I didn't panic or make a scene. I just had heart flips. [Sigh...] But, I am back alive and well. I know I had to get on that plane for my sanity and I did it, don't want to do it again anytime soon but will again. I know now that I am stronger than this fear and it will not beat me. This does not mean that I do not still have it, just that I win. Nice huh!

I want to thank everyone who helped me get on that flight, you will never know how close I was to not going, my husband also thanks you as well. We had a great time.


26-05-06, 07:18
Hi Bel - a big well done!!You've shown yourself you can do it and it'll be easier next time.
Love Helen

26-05-06, 07:37
hey bel,,

greta post and a great start to my day reading .

better to fight for something than to live for nothing

26-05-06, 09:15
hey laura,
I am soooooo proud of u hun!! well done, I knew u could do it!!! U did so well- so next u comin to visit me rite??? lol
Well done hun
speak soon!!
Love Gemxxxx

26-05-06, 10:55
Hi Bel

Fantastic hun that so great well done.

So pleased for you

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

26-05-06, 13:00
Hi Bel,

That's great :D Really pleased for you, well done.

Take Care,


26-05-06, 16:22

That soooooooooooo brilliant!!! I'm gonna post like that one day - thanks for the inspiration... what a liberation!!!

loads of lovexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

Two heads
26-05-06, 17:06
Well done belyou did great,infact better than great.BRILLANT!

26-05-06, 20:16
Brilliant Bel. Very well done.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

26-05-06, 22:26
[Wow!] WELL DONE!!!!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

26-05-06, 22:54
A big thank you to Giddy, Trevor, Gem, Alex, Fee, H3ths, Bong, Karen and Seh. I so appreciate all of your congratulations. It really means so much to me.


marie ross
27-05-06, 01:56
Well done, I'm really happy for you.

Take care

Marie XXX

27-05-06, 02:11
Thank you Marie for taking the time to post.


27-05-06, 08:59
Hi Bel,

Well done you! You deserve to be really proud of yourself. I'm going on holidays in a few weeks and the nerves are just starting to kick in.....I'm going to use your post as inspiration to get me through the flight!

Thanks Bel.

Coni X

27-05-06, 09:43
Hi Bel well done, I told you, you would be OK, I hate flying but dont have a phobia, I always imagine what is at the other end, over the big pond soon then???
Glad you had a good time too.xxxxx

27-05-06, 19:29
Coni: Thank you for thinking of my post as an inspiration. If you need any help at all to get you on that plane I am hear for you, just pm me.

Alexis: Yes, you were right! I will get across the pond soon, I love England. Thank you for your support.


27-05-06, 20:11

I knew you could do it well done


27-05-06, 20:27
A HUGE well done to you Laura.

I completely understand how hard this was for you as I too am PETRIFIED of flying yet I force myself to do it every year as my mum lives in Spain and although I know that I will always have some degree of fear with flying, I also know that avoidance will only make it worse. So Laura again congratulations: you've made a huge leap

Shiv x

28-05-06, 04:05
Rhett, As always thanks for your help and humour.

Shiv, Yes I was scared to death but faced the fear and I know you can too. Thanks for your kind words.


28-05-06, 19:44
Thanks Bel,

I may just take your up on that offer....dont know why I go on holiday, always seems like a good idea at the time though!

Coni X

28-05-06, 22:09
Well done to you!!! You sound so relieved & happy with yourself - and you should be!!! I know how you feel Coni ....I've got to face a 9hr flight in 4 wks. I don't know how many times I've thought about not going - but I don't want to miss out on a great holiday - don't want to let it beat me. So, you are also my inspiration - will think about you & all the others who keep on getting on a plane even though you are terrified to do it.

29-05-06, 17:20
Coni, I know what you mean, when I said I would go on this trip I thought it was a great idea, away from the kids and all - no housework, no laundry!!! Then as it got closer the worrying began. But and this is a big BUT, you will be so proud of yourself once you do it. You are bigger than the fear.

Panic, The above goes for you too. I flew to England but was so doped up I could hardly walk, this time I wasn't. I know you will enjoy your holiday. Ya'll are also my inspiration too. Have a good time.

Remember, pm me if you want to.
