View Full Version : Away from home - any tips for sleeping/getting rid of adrenaline feeling?

03-11-11, 12:42
Hi all,

Yesterday I travelled with my boyfriend down to his parents house (about 4 hours) It was a really big step for me as I haven't done any journeys like this in over a year -and last time I came here I was really ill (a lot of this was anxiety but I didn't really realise that at the time) I was also nervous about coming as his house is more crowded than mine, and I tend to need my space.
Anyway, I'm thankful to have made it here, but I am feeling exhausted. I hate feeling like my body is just shattered. I had a very light sleep last night so am feeling the effects of that and the big day yesterday.
I tried to get back to sleep this morning but couldn't, as I had a lot of adrenaline -nervous/excited feeling. I really need a good sleep tonight in order to enjoy the time here, and wondering if anyone has any tips for sleeping and relaxing to sleep?
Thanks for advice =)

03-11-11, 15:34
a HUGE well done first of all for taking such a major step!
Chamomile tea is very good for relaxing and it helps me sleep. I don't like the taste personally, you might, but if you don't like the taste try adding a bit of honey rather than sugar which is a stimulant.
I find if my mind is racing a few ways to calm those whizzing thoughts down is to practice breath counting. So basically you start at 50 or whatever number you want then count down, each in and out cycle counts is one. So 50 breath in breath out 49...etc
I've heard that bringing your own pillow helps you sleep cos it's familiar, if you haven't got a pillow of your own I don't see why just a pj's top over the pillow wouldn't work the same. It's a familiar sleeping item so it should work.
Hope you manage to settle your nerves and enjoy the rest of your trip
Best wishes

03-11-11, 15:44
I always find horlicks helps me with 2 paracitamols optional. and that breathing sounds really good will try that myself good luck

Cathy xx

04-11-11, 16:16
Thanks so much ladies! The breathing one sounds interesting, never heard of that before.