View Full Version : Self Help Books - Any Recommendations?

03-11-11, 13:55
Hi there,

Can anyone recommend any self help books for overcoming GAD?



03-11-11, 13:57
I can highly recommend all of the Claire Weekes books, and a book called Free Yourself from Anxiety by Emma Fletcher and Martha Langley.

03-11-11, 14:00
I can highly recommend all of the Claire Weekes books, and a book called Free Yourself from Anxiety by Emma Fletcher and Martha Langley.

Thanks Jitters. Work for you did it?


03-11-11, 14:04
Self Help for Your Nerves by Claire Weekes probably saved my life at one point. Free Yourself from Anxiety helped to reinforce what Dr. Weekes wrote, and both have had a huge impact on my anxiety levels. Currently coming out of a setback thanks to Claire Weekes and NMP.

Hope you find what works for you!

03-11-11, 14:42
I am using these ones from a long time. But honestly saying, I couldn't got
enough benefits. Coz most of them are written by dealing with marketing
So, I hope that you have got it.

03-11-11, 14:52
I am using these ones from a long time. But honestly saying, I couldn't got
enough benefits. Coz most of them are written by dealing with marketing
So, I hope that you have got it.

Thanks for the reply, but I have no idea what you are trying to say?:shrug:

03-11-11, 15:49
Thanks for the reply, but I have no idea what you are trying to say?:shrug:

Haha me niether lol xx

:shrug: Cathy.

I have all three of Claire weeks and she's bril also try to listen to this it's really helpful.

http://www.junior-anxiety-depression-exchange.org.uk/relax.html#HowToRecover Good luck

03-11-11, 17:58
Claire weeks.it helped me a load.ignore the electric shock therepy stuff its a very old book.but it makes so much sense and helped me start feeling a little human again

03-11-11, 19:17
i found it quite hard to understand the claire weeks book not sure if it was just me
being thick lol? also how she spoke about breakdowns scared me :blush: i think a book should be brought out for people that talks about the basics, interviews with people who have suffered, remedies etc, straight forward explanations and make it a colourful, interesting read as most of the books i have seen look old fashioned and hard to understand ( i might try and publish one lol ) especially for young people!! But thats just me im sure these books are great help for a lot of people!!! x

03-11-11, 19:49
Understanding panic attacks and overcoming fear by Roger Baker brought me back to earth.

03-11-11, 21:45
Hi there,

Can anyone recommend any self help books for overcoming GAD?



this is free


05-11-11, 13:51
this is free


This is incredible stuff. Everyone should read this!

05-11-11, 16:42
At Last A Life by Paul David, I've just read it and it makes so much sense.

If you visit his website there is also lots of free advice on there: www.anxietynomore.co.uk.

05-11-11, 21:05
This is incredible stuff. Everyone should read this!

Thank you, you are very kind.


09-11-11, 17:31
Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies - PM me and I'll tell you more about