View Full Version : how can i get a new doc

26-05-06, 09:18
hi guys how do i change my doctor i live in a small village with 5 doctors at the medical centre and ive tried everyone of them and they keep telling me to just get on with it one diagnosed arthritis in my left shoulder without even sending me for an xray and knee is also really painful now for months my necks sore i think my muscle pains are all down to my good old friend ANX (who i hate with a bloody passion)id just like to see a sympathetic doctor to talk to not to feel uncomfortable with my husbands no use to me either he cant understand why i get so upset when i have everything i need huh ive got more help from this website than all the doctors and husbands in the world lol thanks everyone for the forum and your chat in the chatroom xxx mandy

26-05-06, 10:25
Well my doctor was very good and even got me some councilling, its hard for you to change doctors, living in a small village, why don't you tell them what you think your suffering from and ask / insist on seeing a counciler after all they are there to help you.

26-05-06, 19:27
hi mandy its a shame you feel this way!i know how you feel too i have been to 5 different doctors at my surgery each time hoping one of them will give me some sort of magic pill to make this horrible anxiety go away!!!is there any CBT therapy in your area?its a shame when we feel let down by them seeing as we are meant to trust them and feel reassured, take care rahel x x

28-05-06, 04:28
Are you presenting your doctor with just physical symptoms, or\are you discussing your anxiety with him\her?

Tyr making an appointment just to deal with the axiety and depression, and be completely honest with them. tell them that you beleive that you are suffering from health anxiety wich is having a profound effect on yr life in general. Get councilling and perhaps, if needed, short term medication.

Once you have releived your anxiety a little, take a fresh and healthy approach to your physical symptoms.

Some doctors do not undestand anxiety and just how destroying it can be, but one things for sure, if you try to deal with physical symptoms and anxiety symptoms at the same time, often doctors write you off. Sad but true.

There IS a great deal that can be done for anxiety and you do nothave to suffer it forever. Get help for your anxiety and the rst will fall into place.