View Full Version : Extreme itching palm of hand

03-11-11, 22:36
The palm of my left hand has been excruciatingly itchy recently. I was even woken up by the itching last night and then couldn't get back to sleep as I was worrying about the cause. There's no rash, just some red marks where I've been scratching. Could this be cause by the itch-scratch cycle?

03-11-11, 22:54
As you are anxious, your palms sweat. This has caused itchy palms for me before. Maybe you were unconsciously wiping off the sweat of your left hand with your right hand and irritating it. Just a theory...

03-11-11, 23:05
Hi Darwin
I had a similar thing with itching on the pad of my index finger. It lasted for a few weeks and then went away. Weird !

04-11-11, 07:13
I dont get the itching but just recently on my left palm its been like a burning sensation - really annoying :mad:

04-11-11, 17:57
Thanks for the replies. I don't know whether it was caused originally by sweating, but it definately gets triggered by putting my hand in hot water. Trying really hard not to scratch but anti-itch creams aren't really working.