View Full Version : Hello All.

03-11-11, 23:22
Hello all. Just wanted to say hi, as im a newbe.

03-11-11, 23:24
Hi margrtking

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-11-11, 23:26
I want to say hi to you all and i want to talk to people like me so i dont feel so alone. Thank you. x

03-11-11, 23:34
Hey, new here too. It's nice to know you're not alone- certainly is for me! I hope you are ok and maybe find some help or support on here. I have X

03-11-11, 23:45
Thank you very much i do mostly fell in my own bubble most of the time. x

03-11-11, 23:49
Thank you very much i do mostly fell in my own bubble most of the time. x

Oh my, I know the bubble thing! It's not fun is it? But it's nice on here, not too full on either :)

03-11-11, 23:58
So how do you cope from day to day. Sorry im just curious how we all cope.

04-11-11, 00:16
So how do you cope from day to day. Sorry im just curious how we all cope.
Well, I do it by self medicating- and I've realised that ok, it helps me sleep, but it's not helping me in my daily life. So I'm off to the gp (again) on Monday to ask for some medication- proper, not my dodgy internet sleeping pills. I have to take so many now it's ridiculous.
I saw a cousellor for a few weeks in the summer, it was nice and I thought I was 'fixed', ha! Then a whole load of things happened all at once, and my manager at work started getting at me (I'm under a disciplinary now because she knows I'm at my weakest so can't fight it properly) and now I just cry a lot in toilets! That's not exactly advice by the way!!
I'm hoping the doc might give me something to help, and I need to get off these dodgy sleepers. I do have a small network of close friends that are invaluable, but I don't want to off-load on them all the time. That's why I think sites like this are great. There are some great links down the left- I've been reading a few.