View Full Version : Is this all just anxiety?

04-11-11, 10:28
Hi everyone, lately I'm been having some issues with my body and it's been freaking me out a lot. It all started last Friday (I was menstruating at the time) when I had some coolness in my head, a pounding, burning heart and felt like I was gonna pass out. I laid on the floor for a bit and eventually felt better. Saturday I was okay but then Sunday morning my heart started pounding even more and I decided to go to the ER.

At the ER they did tests on my heart and determined there was nothing wrong with it, and it was most likely just anxiety. A few days passed and my head started feeling funny as well. Sometimes it feels cool on the right side, sometimes parts feel like it's burning, and like right now, the left side of my face feels all numb and tingly. I also have a very hard time eating without throwing up.

I went to the Doctor's office on Wednesday and he prescribed me buspirone, which is said to be for anxiety. I took one pill, and it made me completely dizzy and barely able to see for about two hours, then, gave me a very bad headache for 5+ hours. I haven't taken another one since because the reaction was so severe. I'm calling the Doctor's office again today to ask what I should do, if I should keep taking it or not.

I guess my basic worry is that this is a lot more than anxiety and there's something wrong in my head. If it helps at all, I'm 22 years old. Any help would be very, very appreciated, thank you so much.

04-11-11, 10:36
As you have been to A+E and seen your doctor, it's unlikely there is anything else wrong.

Talk to your doctor about your health fears and what may have caused your anxiety.

04-11-11, 13:54
Hello hon,
I recently had similar symptoms.. mainly really bad headache, sick feeling, dizzy, numb tingling face and extreme tiredness. I've seen the doctor twice this week and have been prescribed antibiotics for sinusitis which explains the numb face which was worrying me the most... (Now I'm panicking about the side effects of those! - typical!!).
I'm the same and do freak out when I have anything wrong with me and it does sound like you are suffering from anxiety, I've had a light head and dizzy spells from anxiety and panic attacks.
When I'm feeling like that I try to calm myself down and try to focus on the real health issue that's bothering me.
The doctors really know what they're doing and it might be worth speaking to them again about continuing the medication.
Good luck x

13-11-11, 23:08
I was like this back in August, especially with the head thing, it was as though I had certain spots on my head that were numb, hot and just felt really weird, it was horrible! The very top of my head felt weird too as though I needed to put an ice pack on it or something:huh: That seems to have gone now but has been replaced with achey legs and pelvic pain, there is always something:weep: