View Full Version : not good

26-05-06, 11:26
hey guys I am feeling a bit rubbish at the moment

My period is due and so that is making things worse, but I keep getting filled with this 'adrenaline' feeling, like I want to burst out of my skin or something.

I have a lot of things going on at the moment- I'm still really unhappy at work, and the house sale is still on the go and it's really stressing me out because I am so miserable at work and I can't leave my job until the sale goes through and we move away.

I had a review at work a few days ago and the adrenaline feeling has been there since then because I got so worked up about it (and with good reason, I've been told that the HR department are reviewing my sickness level)

I have felt constantly on the edge of a PA recently but not had one, just this constant feeling of wanting to 'jump out of my skin' , if that makes sense.

I know it is because I am so worked up about work, and the house stuff. I was quite relaxed up until last week when my parents returned from holiday as Dave had stayed at mine while they were away and it was SO nice coming back to the same house as Dave at the end of the day and relaxing together in the evening. So that makes the house thing all the more frustrating as it just keeps getting pushed further back (we are waiting for someone in the chain to get their mortgage sorted).

I cannot wait until we move house, and are living together and I have changed jobs and am settled in my new life with Dave and so I am so miserable at the moment I can't explain.
At best, we could be moved by the end of june/start of July but this depends on the mortgage offer of these other people- everything else is sorted, but I dont want to get excited in case it falls through AGAIN.... I cant cope with this constant rollercoaster of emotions.

I have been dealing with the DP/DR and feel that I have been accepting it a lot more, which is progress, as I'm noticing it slightly less often- but when the weather is dull, I notice it more. And I dont know how my night-time driving problems are because I've not been doing any, but even so when I am feeling spaced out, even daytime driving is no fun at all :-(

To make matters worse we are going away for the weekend tonight, 3.5 hour drive to Wales , and as I am a nervous passenger I'm dreading this plus because of all my anxiety I've got at the moment, it's going to be an awful journey. Luckily we are going in my car (my little fiesta), with Dave driving, thank god we are going in my car because Dave has a big fast car and it freaks me out!

Sorry to rant, I am just so miserable at the moment...

Julia xx

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

26-05-06, 11:55
Sorry you feel so bad, but you know the best thing for the adrenaline feeling is exercise! You should do something strenuous even if its just running around and tidying the house (dare I say packing?) Just keep yoursel fbusy and it'll make things a lot easier.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

26-05-06, 12:00
poor you, you have alot going on, moving is a nightmare..but you weekend away sounds great might be just what you need, i dread drving anywhere even as a passenger..have a lovely time xx

jools xx

26-05-06, 21:16
itll sort it self out and i know that doeesnt help you at the moment, but my gran always used to say " whats for you wont pass you by " so just try to relax and let it happen if you can. easier said than done i know

hope you have a good trip


marie ross
27-05-06, 01:46
Hi Julia,

Sorry your feeling so miserable at the moment but you will get there, soon you will be coming home to YOUR house and relaxing with a nice glass of wine with your dave!!! Moving house is not a pleasant experience at all, i went through so many problems trying to get our mortgage and legal problems sorted out, i thought i would just give in, but we got there in the end, and the night we eventually (at long last) moved in i went into labour with our first child (AAAHHHHH!!!!!)

Another child later we are still here, and all the problems we went through are long gone, just keep going you will get there and it won't be long before you and dave will be snuggled up on your sofa watching tv!!!!!

Hope you had a good weekend, you sound like you deserve it.

Take care and good look with everything.

Marie XX