View Full Version : Brother on Clozapine

04-11-11, 12:05
My brother who is 15 is suffering with phychosis. they gave him olazapine and quetipine for 7 months but it made no difference to him so now there trying Clozapine which is very strong. There monitoring his blood pressure, heart rate before giving it to him but his blood pressure is a little high today accorinng to the nurse who just phoned. he had his 1st dose last night.
Other than the phychosis his had loads of physical tests and his a normal healty person but the medication his own is worrying me a bit.

---------- Post added at 12:04 ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 ----------

I feel so helpless for him. He doesnt want to know who we are or speak to us. He just walks around all day staring or sleeps from exhaustion. He doesnt deserve this because his the nicest person I know and i regret every little bickering fight i ever had with him and feel ive driven him to be like this. If anything were to happen to him on this medicine it would tear my mum and dad apart and i couldnt cope with it. They've said if they mointor him and catch it happening he will OK but these are the same people who have allowed him to missing serveal times and had the police out looking for him.

---------- Post added at 12:05 ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 ----------

he also does really violent movements. he throws him self about punches the air and kicks it. his not violent towards us but his always doing this. and holding his head shaking it all the time and making a constant humming sound or laughing to him self.
he has said he can hear a girl and a boy and the girl makes him happy but the male voice scares him but he wont say anymore than that.
he cries a lot and when asked why he said "because im sad and upset".

04-11-11, 13:34
Emma - I have a close relation on this med too and it has turned his life around. He is schizophrenic. Remember that it takes time for meds to work at their optimum level and really 'kick in'.

As long as his blood count is closely monitored (weekly at first) he will be fine.

I hope this med helps - because it is one of the most effective there is - and you get your brother back.

04-11-11, 14:02
Thank You.
They are taking his blood every week his on it at the moment and taking his pulse/blood pressure before he is given each dose- its a little high at the moment but the doctors are postive that it will help him as the weaker ones had no effect on him.
Last time it took at least 6 weeks to see any difference and the other meds just made him sleepy but when he woke he was still really agitated so he was on diazpam to.

---------- Post added at 13:41 ---------- Previous post was at 13:39 ----------

theyve kept him on the quetipine until they get the maxium dossage of clozapine into him then there going to reduce the quetipine but they will start reducing the quetipine if it makes him to sleepy. which it is. hospital said his slept a lot today.
last thing is he has a faulty gene and they say that may be while he doesnt respond to meds very well. and the condition could be genetic as pervious genertions of family have had something like phychosis.

---------- Post added at 14:02 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

mum just said his temperature is high to.

04-11-11, 14:45
Hi Emma:)

I remember well the twice your brother went missing and how frightened you and your family were ..............it is sad he is still needing in hospital care BUT he is in best place for monitoring new medication . I hope they reviewed their door security policy and he is safe .
Now then Emma .......you talk of feeling your brother and sister fighting made things worse for him . No .absolutely not so chuck that thought out in the bin now my love ok ? Normal and typical of children everywhere . :)

It is sad but true he has got an illness that needs specialised care and meds .
He is young and that is so so sad ......but with good meds and proper support from good health professionals I am sure he will get his quality of life back in time . He sure has a very loving sister Emma :hugs:

So you look after your family as you do .......but always remember that to look after others you must look after yourself . Go out and enjoy being the young lovely lady you are ....you must Emma [nag nag :blush:]

take care snow xx

04-11-11, 16:40
aww thank you :)
it was just silly little fights from ages ago that all siblings have
They still leave the doors open but they watch him a lot more now. They locked them the other day when a girl threatned to run out but wont lock them even though My brother left those times
Take care x

11-08-13, 21:45
Sorry to bring this thread up again but in a panic...
His down stairs having an attack.
He can see and hear things that aren't their.
His not had one of these in over a year now.
Mum on phone to cahms. But rather scared and anxious.

---------- Post added at 18:49 ---------- Previous post was at 18:45 ----------

His down stairs doing strange things,
Strolling up and down, he was only like this when he was in hospital! Ages ago. :(

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This is how it started last time.
Can't remember but think he was in mental health unit for over a year... Last time.

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Mum and dad going in car with him to hospital. Not sure if a and e or what she on phone to someone,
His very distressed :(

---------- Post added at 18:54 ---------- Previous post was at 18:52 ----------

His just asked if we are all dead and if we are the only human that exist.
Don't want to be left here alone worrying...

---------- Post added at 19:19 ---------- Previous post was at 18:54 ----------

What if he jumps out the car on the road or dies on way their....

---------- Post added at 19:51 ---------- Previous post was at 19:19 ----------

Phoned my aunt for a chat.
Chewing gum for distraction but not heard anything from mum and dad. Trying to tell my self if something really bad hapless they'd call me but what of they wouldn't do...
To scared to call case they get angry.

---------- Post added at 20:27 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------

Dad home.
He not saying much.
Why oh why do they think its fair to keep me in the dark.
Just because your upset doesn't mean I don't have a right to know what's happening. I ask what's happening and he just says hmm ahh yeah...

---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 20:27 ----------

Mum phoned.
Waiting to be seen by mental health people.
Well can sleep now. Got to work tomorrow hmm...