View Full Version : Blood After BM

04-11-11, 12:55
Ok guys i'm seriously freaking out here ! I have had months of worrying about my bowels and after having various tests was told nothing was wrong. Dispite this i have developed a real phobia over my bowels. I take mebeverine and also a nightly dose of immodium to stop any loose bowels. The thing that has happened this morning has sent me into a complete blind panic, i went to the loo, but had to sit for a while and strain a little bit, i did eventually do a small bm but when i wiped my bottom there was what seemed like alot of bright red blood, more that just spots of blood. I completely freaked and went to see the nurse practitioner a my gps. She examined me and couldn't see any problem. She said i have a small external pile but that was all. Please could anybody offer any reassurance or has anyone had a similar experience and it has turned out to be ok ? xxxxx

04-11-11, 13:06
Yup piles and/or a fissure - small tear.

Did they give you some cream for it?

04-11-11, 13:23
I have some anusol. The worrying thing is that i can feel no pain ? xxx

05-11-11, 17:17
This happened to me about 4 years ago with a worrying amount of blood on the tissue after a BM. Like you, I immediately called the doctors and was given an internal examination which proved fairly normal. I was referred to see a specialist who discovered some internal piles upon another examination.

I no longer 'strain' before any bowel movements as this is normally the cause of some bleeding. Needless to say I have had no further trouble since then.
Also, there was no pain.

05-11-11, 17:27
Piles don't give me pain when they bleed either

06-11-11, 12:30
Thank-you so much for your replies, it means alot. xx

I am having an awful time since this has happened , i feel like any progress i had made has now gone out of the window. The fear i am having that there is something wrong is terrible. I feel like i need to go and discuss my concerns with my gp but fell that she will be unsympathetic as i have been over and over things with her, it's just that this has never happened before and i am scared it may be something more sinister. I keep trying to tell myself that i have had a sigmoidoscopy and barium enema earlier on this year and they were fine, surely nothing would have changed that quick ?

Sorry for the ramble i'm just soo scared. xxx

06-11-11, 12:38
Bright red will be piles most likely, not very ladylike, but no worse.

06-11-11, 21:17
If you've had a procedure earlier this year then I would say you're OK.