View Full Version : Labyrinitis

04-11-11, 14:10
Hi guys,
I've had a constant headache and have been very dizzy since last Monday so finally went to see the doc today who has said I have labyrinitis again (had it in June too). Other symptoms include being very tired and a stiff neck. He gave me some antihistamines and told me to get some Nurofen Plus for the pain.
I had a quick look on Internet as I forgot to ask how long it's likely to last for and no website I looked on mentioned a headache as a symptom, when it's actually my worst symptom by far.

My question is, has anyone else had labyrintis and had a really bad headache with it??? I'm not totally convinced that's what it is, I was convinced it was my sinuses?!?

K xxx

04-11-11, 16:44
Well I personally have to agree with you, i have not come across anyone complaining of headache and neck ache with labywhatsit. I know a few people who have had it my son being one and the only symptom was dizziness/vertigo and mild earache in one of them. If it is laby then usually you get alot better after 2 weeks but it can come back again whenever you are stressed or very tired. My son would get one day attacks for about 10 years after initial but only if he was very very tired or very very stressed and same happened to my friend.

Did Dr give you anything for dizziness?? Can you go back to a different Dr as your symptoms could be from so many things.

Sorry I am not reassuring you but I am of same opinion as you.

04-11-11, 17:16
Hey, thanks for your reply. Yes he gave me Cyclizine for the dizziness/nausea. I think neck pain/stiffness is a common symptom, it's just the headache that I don't think is normal. I did actually ask him if it's normal to have headache with it and he said yes. I defo didn't have headache the last time I had it though?????

04-11-11, 17:29
Do you have a mild fever as well? I did when I had it many years ago. If so, the headache could be caused by that. I had a mild headache due mostly to the low grade fever I believe and dizziness when I turned my head from side to side. My doctor said that's the real clue for labrynthitis - side to side dizziness rather than up and down movement.

Mike lasted about a week and a half. Doctor's orders were to rest as much as possible and don't drive.

Hope you feel better soon.


04-11-11, 19:21
Thanks for replying Jmac. No, doc took my temperature and it was normal so no fever. Mine isn't really side to side or up & down dizziness, it's more that I feel like I'm moving/swaying when in fact I'm perfectly still.
Today is the 11th day of feeling like this which also makes me think it's not labyrinthitis, when I had it last time it only lasted about a week then completely went.

K xx

05-11-11, 11:12
I had this twice this year, I also have previous problems with my ears, and it runs in the family, woke up one morning and just crashed to the floor, was so dizzy and sick, had a little headache too but I think this is from trying to focus so hard on not making yourself wobble, and its hurting your eyes etc causing a headache. I had the first bout of it for a month and the second bout of it for about two weeks. It was nothing compared to a huge ear infection I got a couple of years ago, I could'nt even sit down or open my eyes because I was so dizzy. I still get dizzy now when I stand up to quickly or queue for a long period of time, but thats because my ears are pants. Hope you get better soon. Try to look at things far away when you are feeling dizzy and no sharp movements xx

05-11-11, 13:06
Long shot but you dont have a neck problem do you??? I am only asking as I have severe arthritis and trapped nerve in neck of 15 yrs standing and I get all your symptoms the main one many years ago was sudden attacks of vertigo and the feeling as the floor was moving all the time or as if i was walking on a bouncy castle plus the neck pain head and face pain etc etc

I was investigated for everything from ent to neuro and had mri scans of head and neck and this is when they found out what was causing all my symptoms.

Neurosurgeon told me your neck has balance receptors in it and eveyrone with neck trouble has dizzy trouble as well and it often takes years tests to rule out other diseases before anyone thinks to look at the neck!

05-11-11, 20:48
No neck problems as far as I know.
I was looking back in my diary last night (have to keep a diary for my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which started 19mths ago) and realised that every 4 months or so I have a similar episode to what I'm having right now i.e. stiff neck, dizziness, headaches etc. Not sure what that means ......????

tracey c
06-11-11, 10:05
I haven't posted on her for a long time, but reading your post your story is very similar to mine. I started with a labs diagnosis, but it ended up on seeing a neuroloigst that I had 'chronic migraine' and 'migraine associated dizziness'.
As well as the headaches a major sign is the 'coathanger ' neck cauding neck and shoulder pain.
If you want more info then PM me.
Good Luck