View Full Version : diabetes :( ? confused

04-11-11, 14:27
Hi all
I am in a state as ive diagnosed myself with diabetes! I know I know I shouldnt of googled
but i had it in the back of my mind.. as i get really weak if i skip a meal and then i think my blood surgars low..
and recently my skin fungus has come back and i thought it was realted
last time i had it this year my doc said its just from not drying properly
but now its come back im scared :(

it says the main symptoms are needing the loo,getting really thristy and tingly hand and feet
and also blurred vision

well i dont really need the toilet too much and i just get thirsty as you do, but i do get blurred vision but when to the options and i need stronger glasses!! and i was having visual migranes which explains the floaters..

but it also said on the nhs site that getting thrush is a symptom and im always getting thrush :(

I am 22 female
not over weight or underweight im average
im white (they said that certain races can get it more then others)
And i have no family history that have diabetes..

so i know im not in the risk factor

but with my health anxiety if ive got something in my head i always think im right. and im sat here crying over it
my anxiety is getting worse i have sudden feeling of weakness come over me and panic and then i cant breathe

and im putting it all down to a serious illness :(
someone please reassure me! :weep:


04-11-11, 14:53
All the symptoms you have can also be due to anxiety. You are not in any of the risk categories for diabetes........try not to worry, anxiety and panic cause many weird and wonderful symptoms........even skin problems.

Take care :)

04-11-11, 15:03
thank you! im being silly arnt i, i keep saying to myself im not allowed sugar now im actually scared too because i think i have diabetes! im 22 i should be enjoying life i dont smoke i dont drink i should atleast be allowed to drink a can of pepsi but no im scared :( silly me!

04-11-11, 15:07
I think it is hard to reassure you, because you have not had a test done for diabetes and only a doctor can give you a definite diagnosis. From what you say it does seem unlikely you are diabetic, and as you know many of your symptoms can simply be from anxiety...you are linking them together because you have been naughty and googled :winks:, fuelling your HA. A blood test would give you a definitive answer, and if you saw your GP they would tell you if they thought you needed it.

Lets look at your very worst case scenario though, say you did have diabetes; Diabetes is very treatable (I believe the treatment varies depending on the type of diabetes and various 'scores' that are taken from the blood test) , I currently know quite a few people with either type 1 and type 2, ranging in age from children to 80 years old. My Dad was diagnosed about 2 months ago, and with medication his is entirely under control. I don't have diabetes myself, but I tell you this, my Dad was drinking so much that is was really obvious......he just could not quench his thirst ! His vision was bad all the time, so blurred that he could hardly see things. I just have a gut feeling that you would have much more obvious diabetic symptoms than you have.

Miss. Sunshine, do you know there are millions of people out there who have diabetes and never even know they do ? This gives a message that should help you fear this condition less; even if someone has some mild diabetes it does not mean anything bad will happen to them.

I know the feelings you are having, those 'out of control' spiralling fears in your head. You are totally certain that you have something and it is driving you into full blown panic. I would strongly suggest that you read nothing further about diabetes, or any other condition for that matter ! :winks: Make an appointment with the GP if you feel you'd like to discuss your symptoms, but for now go and distract yourself and get some fresh air or keep busy with something that absorbs you.

04-11-11, 15:16
Yes you are being silly :winks:
If you had 'bad' diabetes you would get ill, be diagnosed and be treated. If you had 'mild' diabetes you might not even notice it, in which case, so what?

In case you do decide to go to the doctor, I think in the first instance to test for it they do a prick test, where they prick your thumb and wipe a tiny speck of blood on a test card. I had it a long, long time ago when I was little, so can't be sure, but I think they can tell you you're clear straight away.

04-11-11, 16:03
go to any lloyds pharmacy thay will do a test its free
put your mind at rest
god bless

04-11-11, 16:40
At 22 if you developed diabetes it would be type 1 and you would be really really ill. This runs in my family so have alot of experience of people who develop it young. Needing to wee alot would be the least of your symptoms believe me!

You can go into lloyds pharmacy as mentioned and have a finger prick test for free or your Dr can do a glucose test for you.

My husband is insulin dependant diabetic so of course he has all the kit and we have been asked quite a few times by people who do not seem to have any health anxiety for him to test their blood and thankfullly no one has had diabetes.

08-11-11, 00:36
Thanks everyone xx dont think i need the tests but its great to know its easy to go to one, i will keep a eye on my symptoms, hope its nothing xx