View Full Version : sudden fear

04-11-11, 15:21
yestterday and today i havent been able to leave my flat talk to anyone or eat. i feel like i cant breath and like i cant move or do antyhing including interacting with the outside world. :weep:
i have moved my bed into the lounge so now i only stay in one room in my flat let alone go outside my flat. i have completely isolated myself.
i know im doing all the stuff you shouldnt do but i do. i dont even know why as it doesnt help then again it feels like nothing ever will help.
does anyone feel like this? :weep:

04-11-11, 15:49

:hugs: this will pass. It is an awful feeling though when your mind is so worn from panic that you feel you're going mad and won't be able to face anyone or any situation ever again!! But this really is temporary and it will pass I promise. A couple of weeks a go, I was ill with the flu and I couldn't leave the house for a few days afterwards - I'd spent most of the time in my bedroom whilst I was ill, and I felt like I wouldnt be able to cope with daily activities like going to a shop ever again!!!

Is there anything that might have triggered you feeling this way? xx

04-11-11, 16:36
It does pass, try to reverse the steps if that makes sense. You didn't always feel like this so you can not feel like this again. Nothing is ever final, its just a temporary phase.