View Full Version : Brain Tumor???

04-11-11, 20:00
Okay – in a bit of a panic here. For the past 8 weeks or so, I have been having facial spasms on the left side of my face. Starts with my left eye twitching, and then it gradually moves down my face pulling all the muscles tight – pulls my mouth to the side – lasts about 30-40 seconds. No pain, no headache, just these spasms. Doesn’t happen every day. I read a little about “Hemifacial Spasms” which describes what I have been experiencing. This is usually caused by a blood vessel pushing up against a nerve – and sometimes a tumor.

So, I went in for my yearly physical and told the Dr about these. She referred me for an MRI and to see a Neurologist. I had the MRI done last Wed (now I know why people get claustrophobic in those things). I am going to see the neurologist on Friday the 11th.

Right now I am fighting with myself – I am trying to avoid the thinking that I have a brain tumor….which is what my heath anxiety is telling me to think. Why do I have to have health anxiety?!?!? I almost have myself convenience I have a brain tumor……

05-11-11, 01:30
It's always hard to wait for the results of tests. It can be horrendous if you have health anxiety. :hugs:

I'm afraid none of us can reassure you that you have/haven't got something wrong, but try reading the section here on health anxiety? It might help you control your thoughts until you get the results.

Until then, please don't google! It always makes your fears much worse. :lac:

05-11-11, 20:50
a lot of things can cause muscle twitching. ive never had the twitching that far down my fave but last year my left eye was twitching for like a week or 2 and it really freaked me out that it wasnt going away. my yoga teacher said that twitching can be a result of low levers of magnesium, (dont know how reliable it is, she has weird advice some times lol) btu try an epsom salt bath, it wouldnt hurt :D good luck

27-11-11, 07:24
Good luck with your results

27-11-11, 07:28
You are clearly very worried and perhaps with just cause. But don't let worry steal your joy. Try to save worrying until you have something concrete to worry about. :)

In addition, some tablets have similar type side effects, in particular anti-psychotics. The medical term is Tardive Dyskinesia. Google it?

27-11-11, 10:32
Just want to add my 2-pence worth! I had a similar (but whole face) response to some anti-nausea medication. Very dramatic and scary, but just to reassure you there are lots of causes to facial twitches etc... including medication and stress.

Jess xxx