View Full Version : tablet got stuck in throat?

05-11-11, 00:53
So I was In bed and I remember I had to take my tablet. Propanolol. I took with with no water and fell asleep straight away.
I woke up with a feelin of something being styck in my throat, the feelin of need to burp and a bit of pain in my right side and arm ache on my right arm. The pain in my throat feels like a burning a and a lump at the top. Their is a slight pain between the top and bottom but mostly bottom.

Its like a burning, stabbing, sharp feeling.

I can't sleep now and its startin to worry me. :(

Don't know if its somethin bad or just the fact that my tablet hasn't gone down right, dissolved in my throat or what. Ut its giving me geeat discomfort and I hard to ignore :(

Any advice?

05-11-11, 00:56
The tablet may have stuck, but more likely it's gone down very slowly leaving the feeling of it being in your throat. I'd drink a full glass of water and go back to sleep.

05-11-11, 01:40

I would bet that what you are describing is heartburn, panictomuch.

All those symptoms tally with it. I have heartburn very often, and experience all of those things. You wouldn't think that heartburn can cause pain in your arm, but it really can if it is bad enough.

I think that the tablet without water has probably created excess acid, hence your problem. It always feels like you have something in your throat, but in fact it is just gastric reflux, and the 'stuck tablet' worry is probably just a red herring.

I would recommend only one thing for heartburn that works brilliantly and that is Omeprazole tablets. Gavsicon does help a bit, but not as well.

Hopefully it will settle down for you, but if not, do give it a try.

Hope you feel better soon.x:hugs:

05-11-11, 01:45
Drink milk and eat some bread, it happened me once n I remember my throat burning

05-11-11, 12:19
Hello, Happens to me all the time.Some tablets I have to break in half.Very painful if they get stuck.best take a small bottle of water in bedroom. I take one. If I take a glass of water I usally knock it over.The tabs Debs mentioned are good.
Take care

07-11-11, 13:01
I've gotten the feeling like there's something in my throat after taking vitamins. Very normal. Just drink a glass of water.