View Full Version : i feel terrible again.

05-11-11, 04:18
well hey guys my name is kevin and ive been suffering with health anxiety for a few months now.I suffered with suspected "athritic septis" back in august 2009 i believe and ive been thinking alot and googling.

well i googled my symptoms and ofcourse google throws me all the life threatning diseases so i google away... it came up with rabies,HIV,vCJD and MS now after i google all this i think "my cat (who was a stray i took in) did bite me and scratch me a few times and now i feel bad its like a circle :wacko: then i go to the next disease and then the next one and i continue to feel worse and worse and i analyse things thats happened in the past and i question them and then i continue to question my body:scared15: that makes me feel even more ill eeven now as i type this im a wreck and i dont know what to do. but long story short im convinced i have rabies or any other of the diseases that i listed because when i was in hospital with extreme back pain and violently illness it links to all them diseases, but then the smart side of me buts in and says id be dead by now if it was and i wouldnt have recovered :) , im just a wreck at the moment i would love some feedback that could probebly help me with the situation that im in.

symptoms im experiencing: major dizziness, blurry vision, bursts of aggresion , just not feeling myself 24-7.

p.s sorry if i went on a rant its 4:18 am and im scared:unsure:

- kevin, 17 years old, uk.

05-11-11, 05:36
I dOnt know if cars can carry rabies , I know dogs can and there's a vaccination for dogs so rabies is very rare .
MS can cause any symptom really so don't worry about it , there's no cure anyway but vitamin D seems help according to recent studies.
I think health anxiety when you google is a bit of an addiction , have you ever considered that wasting hours on the Internet and googling health related stuff may be a distraction from life and real life worries?

I have health anxiety BUT Its different from most people here, I only tend to worry about certain symptoms and test results reasure me.
I don't know about you;
If you get tested for HIV and rabies and it comes back negative will you accept the diagnoises?
If you think it will help and NOT create an endless cycle of health anxiety plus more tests etc . Then a simple blood test could help you out.

Stop googling , if I google headache it tells me I have a brain tumour .
Your not only trying to self diagnoise you're also finding new things to worry about.

05-11-11, 07:06
mishel its because i keep googling and i cant stop ur a very intelligent person, u explained what im doing to myself very clearly i just need to try and get over this.. its making me feel like i have some sort of disease but that may be stress, tc and thanks xxx

05-11-11, 12:15
there's no rabies is this country so you can rule that out!

05-11-11, 13:01
thanks geoff mate xx