View Full Version : White coating on tongue

05-11-11, 04:38
Hi everyone, over the last 10 months I have been on about 10 or 11 courses of antibiotics due to surgery and also a UTI infection. During this time I have found that I have been getting a white coating on my tongue and it's quite resistant. I brush my tongue daily, take acidophilus to no avail. I have also taken prescribed lozenges but after a week it comes back. Would the fact that I have been on so many antibiotics throughout the year attribute to this? I also take nicorette lozenges as I have quit smoking so I'm wondering if this has something to do with it as well. Just starting to get quite worried. Help!

05-11-11, 05:23
Fungus , trush , yeast infection caused by antibiotics.
Get an over the counter Tablet for thrush or ask your doctor .
Try lots of warm salt water and brush your tounge .

05-11-11, 08:18
My GP says its dehydration when you get a coated tongue.