View Full Version : Does anyone know if you can develop allergies?

05-11-11, 15:24
I have never been allergic to anything before (apart from microcyrstal things inside facewash) but as for nuts and seeds etc i have never have any allergies. I have eaten zillions of m&ms and fruit and nut stuff in thr past
but anyway the last year or more i have been worried that i can suddenly just devlope an allergy to something i have never been allergic to before so i tend to stay away from anything containing nuts.
How ever its really getting to me because all the stuff i used to love i cant eat.

Im just wondering is it possible to develope allergies even though you used to be fine in the past.
I thought with having kids it might have changed alot etc.


05-11-11, 15:35
You can develop allergies you never had but I would say it was quite rare.

05-11-11, 16:55
Someone who lives up the road has been in contact with horses for years. now she has found out she is alleric to them!!
About 10 years ago I found out I was allergic to broad beans, sounds silly really,but about one hour after eating them I was really ill red blotches all over and terribly itchy hands.
I had been eating them since i was little ---and all was ok till then.
I really miss them but dare not try to eat just in case the same thing happens

05-11-11, 20:34
I've heard that your allergies can "reset" every 7 years or so. My sister used to be allergic to peanuts and she is not anymore, so it can go both ways. I never had any allergies and this year had seasonal allergies to ragweed for the first time! It does happen.