View Full Version : Need urgent reasurrance, pulse in stomach !

05-11-11, 15:42
Does anyone else feel/see their pulse in thier stomach just above their belly button? am so scared !!

05-11-11, 15:44
I have felt that often. There is an artery that runs down through the abdominal area.

05-11-11, 15:47
Can you feel it with your fingers or see it? x

05-11-11, 15:51
Yup it is normal - loads of us can see it

05-11-11, 17:23
It sounds like its very common then, i've been so worried and I know I shouldnt google but I did and it came up with aortic aneurysm. I can only feel/see it when am lying down. Don't feel any lumps e.t.c. Thank you so much xx

---------- Post added at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:03 ----------

Bump :) x

05-11-11, 18:47
I get this too, it feels a bit mad, but is nothing to worry about at all...

05-11-11, 19:09
Entirely normal.

05-11-11, 19:48
Thank you very much, I don't feel it when am standing up just when am lying down, just worrying myself, horrible when u get something stuck in your head :( xx

07-11-11, 12:47
I've sometimes felt my pulse in my stomach area to. Don't think it's anything bad.

16-01-12, 22:02
Hi hows your stomach pulse, iv got exactly the same as you and googled aorta, reading this old thread has made me feel slightly better:weep:still anxious tho!

20-01-12, 11:17
I totally get this too, like a little spasm on my stomach for a few seconds. Its probably totally normal - I've given up on using Google for every symptom I get cos it only brings up these terrifying possibilities that end up playing on my mind for too long

20-01-12, 11:58
what your seeing is the normal pulsation of the abdominal aorta, easy to see it in slimmer people but its completely normal. it will be more noticable during times of anxiety/panic as your heart rate becomes elevated. if there was an issue with this then you'd be sure to know about it, try to ignore it as best you can.

20-01-12, 12:16
Sounds normal to me aswell .

Regarding google , i will never ever ever google a symtom on there again .
Once read it can never be unread and i think Dr google has alot to answer for causeing anxiety and worry over nothing .
I will only ask on here or at the doctors .
Some "over seas " forums are absolutely rubbish with poor advice from people who must have the brain the size of a pea .

If you must google put NHS in front of it :)

Just my opinion :yesyes:

20-01-12, 15:30
i used to have that all the time my doc says because im thin i can feel more than a overweight person .
iv allso had a chest scan with dye to look into my chest caverty and the aorta was all ok

24-01-12, 02:11
My DR said the same thing too, its especially normal for thinner people. I can feel it and see it at times, more often when I lay down. She told me its completely normal.