View Full Version : Mucus in stool.

05-11-11, 16:24
Is it normal to have a yellowy/dark brown mucus in your stool with IBS?

Just normally it's clear, so it's freaked me out abit.

The doctor basically said i had this condition when they found nothing wrong when i had a colonoscopy.

05-11-11, 17:29
Yes mine is like that a lot

05-11-11, 18:00
Thank you Nicola i was worried it was old blood at first but if it's normal i'll try not to worry about it :)

05-11-11, 18:03
Are you constipated? Mucus stools are very common in constipation.

Also very common with IBS ( IBS can be triggered by constipation - your bottom tends to explode and need to get there urgently).

05-11-11, 20:58
Well i normally go once a day.

Sorry for the TMI but when it first passes it's very hard and solid and like rabbit pellet's which is where the mucus is, then after that it's normal.

05-11-11, 22:43
The rabbit droppings and mucus go hand in hand as the hard poo irritates the lining of the bowel producing the mucus. Rabbit poo is a classic sign of IBS.
Totally normal.

06-11-11, 01:03
The rabbit droppings and mucus go hand in hand as the hard poo irritates the lining of the bowel producing the mucus. Rabbit poo is a classic sign of IBS.
Totally normal.

Yeah i guessed that but was more worried about my mucus sometime's it's yellow sometime's a orangey colour and latley like a dark orangey/brown that's what worried me.

Also is it normal for some of the stool to be rabit pellet's then the rest normal soft stool?

06-11-11, 13:34
The rabbit pellet poo is hard old poo. It's struggled to get out So I think this could be constipation especially when soft poo ( newer poo) is following it. Orangery mucus is also a sign of constipation. Don't worry about it but it can cause tummy aches which just increase anxiety.

Try a sachet of fibregel a day, drinking more fluids or adding more fibre to your diet.

06-11-11, 13:43
I get this as well... the orangy bits are just poo mixed with mucus I think (sorry tmi!)

06-11-11, 14:04
Thank's for all your responses helps put my mind at ease

macc noodle
06-11-11, 15:14
Hi Trevstan

Stop looking at your poo !!! The less obsessed you are with it the better to be honest.

My therapist set me this as one of my "homeworks" - I followed her instructions for two weeks and then I didn't even think about going back to it - why not try ??

If you have IBS your poo will be variable and mucusy.


Macc Noodle

06-11-11, 19:47
Thank's i think i will try my best to do that as i know it will help.

I think i am trying to shift my focus on something else apart from thinking about my upcoming test (which i am still waiting for my appointment letter from 2 week's ago) about the 15mm leison (cyst/hem) that was found on my liver during my CT Urogram however they couldn't see it on a ultrasound scan 3-4 weeks latter.

And also i have a upcoming camera down my you know what since they found nothing wrong with my kidney's they want a look in my bladder.

Seems to be so much happening in such a little time :( and seems to be stressing me out.