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05-11-11, 18:08
Ok i listed my symptoms from most to less write down the numbers if you suffer the same as me.

1. Mornings are a nightmare i have a strange Burning pain in my legs not on the skin but not in the muscules. This isnt every morning but most.
2. Very strange tence feeling, can make me feel realy ill but not sick, this tends to go up and down randomly. A bit like when you have a big fright.
3. My vision is distorted almost blankened and not right at all.
4. My Vision also floats a little bit like a swerly weirly kinda thing its like Vertigo but visualy.
5. My head feels twisted, not right at all almost like its being crushed.
6.Vertigo not all the time but sometimes there.
7. Coloured halos round everything.
8. Nightvision crap. Cant see verywell in the dark and my balance goes to pot.
9. Every now and then i get a sudden moment were everything becomes sharp and clear.
10. I sometimes get a feeling of dead arms and fingers and sometimes a little feeling of loss of function.
11. Breathing sometimes becomes hard.
12. Flutter in the chest and a almost constant pulpitation.

I started with Panic attacks but touch wood havent had one in over a year, but i have come close a few times to having one but then i feel like i am stuck at the start point when you feel a PA comming.

13. Constant pains in my right ear.
14. Tired all the time.

Now the reason why ive asked for you guys to do this is, iam at a brick wall i have had doctors and therapists all scratching there heads as to why i am suffering with this. There is a inclin that i could have vestibular damage due to the fact this all started with a realy bad sinus infection and the onset of Estation Tube disfunction.

15. When trying to sleep just as i go into that relax stage were you can feel like all your body just sinks into rlax mode i get a sudden breathing problem and i have to wake up and gasp for air.

16 Face tingles.
17 My eyes feel so strained and tired.
18 i Sometimes get a inner vibrating feeling and a constand fuzzing feeling allover.

Please read and relate if you can it would be reasureing to me to know that i am not a isolated case.

05-11-11, 20:15
Hi There,
Don't worry you are definately not alone. I don't have the exact same symptoms as you but many of mine are similar, and I definitely know what it is like to constantly feel like you are on the build up to a PA.
I get the vision problems, the dizziness, the breathing problems and heart thump and palpatations, rather than a crushed head I feel like mine is full of liquid and pressure. The start of sleep is the same but with falling sensations too. I am also constantly exhausted.
Mine also started with sinusitis, I am convinced that my problems are physical rather then soley psychological. I am begining to become depressed as I am so frustrated as to the cause. My Dr isn't to interested in my theories or the cause of the anxiety so I feel that I have to solve this myself. Argh
I hope this helps to reasure you that you are not alone or unique in your symptoms. :)

05-11-11, 21:17
Thanks for the reply
I have resurched so much that i am 85% conviced that my problem is verstibular damage and yes my dr has no real intrest in me.

05-11-11, 22:54
No. 1 might be restless leg syndrome or like burning tongue syndrome but you have it on your legs. I get this in my mouth and on my head and some times my face.

No. 2 sounds like anxiety, some times your body will randomly release adrenaline making you feel tense or jumpy or too full of energy.

No. 3/4 you may have visual snow or be suffering from aura migraines but without the headache, I get both and they suck. Go get your eyes tested if you have not done so this year :)

No. 5 , head pressure, feels like head is being crushed etc... Mainly caused by tense muscles in your neck and jaw which then tenses up your head muscles, try using heat on your neck and jaw and massage the hell out of your neck too :)

6. I get this a lot, I do think I may have some kind of inner ear issue, also if you tense your jaw or grind your teeth that too can affect your ears which in turn affect your balance. Also anxiety and stress, and dehydration too can be a cause.

7. I see halos , mainly white around lights or the tv I will see colored ones, It's usually worse at night. But it's always good to mention it to your doctor.

8.If you do have visual snow, your vision at night will be much worse, again you'd want to get an eye test and mention it to your doctor.

9/10/11/12 all pretty standard anxiety symptoms.

13 you may have an ear infection or TMJ which is causing you ear pain, or maybe you need your ears cleaned out.

14 anxiety makes you tired :)

if you are having sinus issues, a CT scan or an MRI scan could be helpful, I have heard of people getting them done for long running sinus issues.
also if you are having any issues with your top teeth, the roots can be very close to your sinus which may be a cause.

15 I get this a lot, but mainly when I am over tired or way stressed out. if you are obese or have a lot of fat on your neck mention this to your doctor as obesity can lead to sleep apnea.

Face tinglings, tense muscles in your jaw, TMJ and anxiety are all causes.
do you notice if it's often in a particular area? Does the sensation change when your stretch your jaw?

17, eye test, if you feel tired your eyes will feel tired too, do you spend a long time looking at a screen?

18. I get this , worse in the mornings, some times it's also in my head.

06-11-11, 09:14
I ve had MRI full blood works Lyme test and thyroide test, ive had eyes checked and ive also had ear tests, ive had scans on my jaw and sinuses
All were clear bar the sinus which has a large thick layer of gunk and EST in my right ear.
I am just trying to get some reasurence.