View Full Version : serious urine infection

05-11-11, 19:11
Ok so ive got this constant pain in my urine area and its like constant burning/pain, it also radiates into the rectal area and pain in my abdomen and left side. So im really worried it has spread to my kidneys or bladder and shutting them down. im seriously in alot of pain and not sure if im going to make it thorough the night.

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

i also just got a extremely sharp pain in my right back and right arm could that be heart attack? i couldnt breathe with the pain.

05-11-11, 19:40
Why not call your out of hours doc or NHS direct and get someone to see you?

05-11-11, 19:51
It will not shut your kidneys down. It might lead to renal colic ( pain is fierce - like giving birth) so you need to be seen by a Dr.

I have kidney problems and kidneys are actually stronger than we give them credit for.

Drink fluids. If you can get some lemon barley water have that. It does not cure it but it flushes out the system. Cranberry juice is also recommended but take it in tablet form as it is full of sugar which makes the situation worse ( bacteria feed on sugar).

Take pain relief. You can take paracetamol then iburofen a few hours later to try to keep the pain away. Though you really need some prescribed super strength pain relief.

Any 24hr Dr's?

05-11-11, 22:11
no one will take me :( is it bad to wait till monday?

05-11-11, 22:25
if you do not have a fever you are ok, just drink lots of water :) then see the doctor if you can

05-11-11, 22:43
thankyou, im drinking cranberry juice as my mum said to is that a good thing? also ive drunk loads and i dont seem to need the toilet so im worried my kidneys or bladder is failing. i do feel very hot but my head is a normal tempreture i dont have a thermometer to check, im scared to go to sleep incase i die.

05-11-11, 23:00
I have a son he's 28 now, a few years ago he became ill late at night and said he needed to go to the hospital, I dialled 999 and a chap answered and I explained the problem...after assessing the situation he sent a paramedic to our home...a lady paramedic came in a car and checked him over, son asked if could he could go to hospital and the paramedic agreed and called for an ambulance, son was very concerned and worried, it turned out to be a case of food poisoning.

If you are not feeling any different now call them out...they won't mind and you will be checked and given pain relief and taken in if needed.


05-11-11, 23:23
Yes cranberry juice and lots of water are very good for kidney/urine infections. You should have a local out of hours service. If you ring your GP surgery phone number they should have an answerphone message with an out of hours number to call. If not, look up your local NHS services on line, or as Nicola said, call NHS Direct and they will give you some advice (though you might have to wait a while before they ring you back).

06-11-11, 00:12
CRANBERRY JUICE sorry caps lol, has been proven to stop the bacteria from sticking to your insides, so helps flush them out :)
You can also get them in tablets and in powder. I know some women who take them just to prevent recurring infections. We have a shorter urethra so more prone to infection than men.

macc noodle
06-11-11, 09:45

Sorry to hear you are feeling grotty :weep:

But i am sure that if anyone in your home really believed that you needed to see a doctor then they would get you help straightaway.

If you have woken up this morning still feeling ill, then call NHS Direct yourself and tell them your symptoms and await their advice OR can you get yourself down to the local pharmacy as the on call pharamacist will also be able to advise you.

Keep up with the fluids - especially the cranberry juice.

Macc Noodle

06-11-11, 19:36
thankyou everyone for your replies.
My family just think its anxiety, and i can understand why they think that, but i genuinally am in alot of pain, and i don't know to convince them that im telling the truth. The pain has been abit better today but towards the end of the day its getting worse again, im going to ask the doctor (if i can get an appointment) if i can do a swab and a urine test, and if they both come back clear, im unsure what i am supposed to do to stop this horrible burning pain. I often am bursting for the toilet, go to the loo and nothing comes out and it really is hard to work standing up all day with this pain. Thankyou everyone x

06-11-11, 20:50
I think you should contact the doctor's surgery and ask to see someone, our surgery has a Triage Nurse who will assess me by phone and decide if I need to see a doc, I have done this twice in the last year and been seen by a doc the same day, I understand surgeries do have different ways of working but you should be able to get an appointment when you have pain like this...

Could I ask what age you are and I'm guessing you're a male...I had a similar burning pain some years ago which did turn out to be an infection for which I was prescribed medication, I understand how you are feeling and I think you should be seen by a nurse or doc.


07-11-11, 14:56
Hi beth. I rememred you saying you sufered with acid to/ibs symtopms. this sounds like this and can be VERY painful and anxiety makes it worse. also anxiety can make you feel like you need to wee/ cause urine infection symtpoms x