View Full Version : Low Blood Pressure Worrying me

05-11-11, 19:52
Hi all,

As some of you might know (from reading my previous post), i recently was in intensive care after a 'day opeation' went wrong and the surgeon cut my spleen accidentally and i lost A LOT of blood(i was given bood transfusion)

Almost 10 weeks on, I have low BP. I dont know what it was before the operation (no ones ever told me and i had no probs before now), but it can range from90/58 to 115/70 with usual being around 106/67. Im dizzy a lot of the time even when sitting down but no doctors seem to see a problem with it! My GP said 'maybe that's what you usually run at'. I am on Escitalopram (5weeks at 15mg) and have to take paracetamol every 4-6 hours for the abdominal pain. I havebeen diagnosed (after what happened) with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Health Anxiety and am due to start CBT on Monday. My counsellor has suggested that because im so panicky all the time that that could be the reason or my dizziness (sometimes i get so worked up my pulse is up to over 100).

Any help or advice would be so appreciated

Charlotte x

05-11-11, 20:10
Not sure if this helps but I have had natural low blood pressure all my life and the doctors have never felt it was an issue. I also suffered from PTS after an op going wrong... this led to anxiety/PA and now health Anxiety and I feel ill all the time.

05-11-11, 20:18
Hi Charlotte,

You've really been through a lot! I'm sorry to hear that.

If it helps to reassure you, I'm on Atenolol 100mg to reduce my heart rate which is 130bpm at rest untreated, and normally have slightly low blood pressure at 100/60. On Atenolol it's mostly 85/55 and I don't suffer with dizziness at all until I become anxious, and then the dizziness is chronic, especially when my heart rate increases as my blood pressure doesn't rise to match it. It's actually getting a lot better, now I'm informed, and comfortable with it.

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Kam :)