View Full Version : What am I going to do

05-11-11, 19:59
Things seem to be going from bad to worse. I've already been of work for two months with health anxiety then all last week with my body seemingly reacting to all sorts of things( my previous post). Over the last few days I've had very hard bloated stomach, acid coming up and awful nausea. The nausea is constant and I have thrown up a few times. I'm washed out and supposed to be going back to work on Monday :( but I really don't feel up to it.

I'm in the care of a gi doc whose doing tests. So far they have found swelling in my duodenum. I'm absolutely exhausted from being Ill over pretty much the whole year with either stomach problems, headaches and anxiety....:((

06-11-11, 11:33
I know how you feel :( Constant anxiety is hard on the body as well as the mind.

I am convinced that constant anxiety actually makes us physically ill, stomach problems etc.

Take care of yourself best you can :)

06-11-11, 13:08
If you really don't feel up to going back to work, speak to your dr, you can't ruch these things, and it maybe that you need some more time to get better, most companies understand about anxiety, and will be sympathetic, don't be too hard on yourself, and take the time you needs x

06-11-11, 13:46
Hi, I have posted a similar post a few minutes ago. Don't force yourself to do something that you don't want to do. However, for me personally, I find work a distraction from my anxiety -but then I don't feel exhausted.

Hope you feel better soon.

Jess x

06-11-11, 16:53
Don't force yourself to go back to work hunny, i've done that and it didn't work out, wait to you really feel ready xxxxxx

06-11-11, 22:05
Ah thanks for your replies as always folks :hugs:

I'm feeling a bit better in myself today so I'm going to give it a go back at work anyway. I need to beat my anxiety... It wants me to stay in my house but I know that I want to get back out there. I feel ill or sick then I'll come home. That's my plan for tomorrow anyhow. Thank you for all your input.

07-11-11, 22:43
Ok so I failed at going back. Couldn't make it past the door. On top of which my boss has said that I should come back when I'm physically fit (and mentally). I was working on the assumption that I should work when I feel able. Seems its the system that says you should come back when you can't stay back.. Even though in my case that may not be possible... In the short term at least! Oh well ...