View Full Version : what if its not anxiety?

05-11-11, 20:45
hi im new to this site. all my anxety started about 3 months ago now. i was hanging out with one of my friends and i got talked into smoking something called k2 which i hadnt heard of until then (stupid mistake i know, i was scared to try it for the beginning and said no at first but then i just told myself just do it, be a normal teen and stop worrying so much about it) and the high was fine, it was my first time doing drugs, im 18, so i was kinda scared t first but i didnt od or anything. then that night i went home and started looking up a bunch of stuff and i was so scared because its kinda new and people have like ended up in the hospital because of it and stuff and i was freaking out and i kept thinking my brain was gonna swell or i was going to have a stroke or something. i even wrote out a little note ti my family telling them i loved them and stuff in case i died in my sleep. and since then ive been having like a ton of symptoms. i felt numbness or tingling sometimes, but that mostly went away, mostly now im feeling just headaches, (weird ones where they kinda only hurt when i move or when i turn my head fast) my vision feels kinda off sometimes, i feel disconnected sometimes, and sometimes i get a throat tightening. i finally told my parents a few weeks ago and i went to the doctor twice and both times he just said he doubted smoking it one time would affect me. but im reall REALLY scared its not just my stress or anxiety and i actually did damage my brain. im seeing a therapist too and lst week she told me she was thinking about putting me on medication cause im not over it yet. its just my biggest biggest fear that i actually damaged my brain with that stupid stuid mistake. ive been really emotional since then. and i get really depressed sometimes just that i feel like i ruined my life. i finally talked my mom into getting an MRI so imma do that next week. but its just my biggest fear that its not anxiety and im not gonna feel 100% better again.... sorry this is so long too thanks to any troopers who made it through the whole thing :yesyes:

05-11-11, 20:56
Hi sorry but i don't have a clus what K2 is? is it like weed?? :huh: alot of how ur describing ur feeling sounds just like health anxiety which i think sounds like this is prob due to ur self guilt of trying this drug?? I wouldve thought if anything serious was going to happen to u then it would have done immediatly or shortly after, u said u only did it once so i very much doubt that youve done any lasting damage at all, i think maybe u need to forgive urself for doing this? we've all done stupid things we regret after just draw a line under it BUT don't do it AGAIN :winks: xx

05-11-11, 21:08
kinda , k2 is like fake weed. i guess it started off as a chem used in reasearch then people realized you get high off it so they spray it on like leaves and stuff and sell it in head shops and gas stations as incense so they get past the DEA. i hope its just guilt, i hat myself so much for smoking it it was sooo stupid. and yea dont worry about that im never doing any drugs eva again haha

---------- Post added at 21:08 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

and everyones telling me that it couldnt have hurt me once, and peopl say like its fine if you dont do it too often but yea, i keep thinking imma be that kid who tried something once and was messed up forever. ya know like in the anti drug program. thanks though im trying to tell myself im fine :)

05-11-11, 21:16
you are fine :) this is all classic anxiety you have to stop beating yourself up about it, i know my anxiety is all down to the guilt i feel from a personal experience ive had and untill i can forgive myself for it it won't go away and im not helping myself either by dwelling on it, you need to put this behind u as a life lesson NEVER to touch drugs again.......oh and ive got a friend that smokes weed all the time and shes fine so hopefully that might put ur mind at rest a bit!! xx

06-11-11, 11:32
Good luck with the MRI, I hope it puts your mind at rest about any physical damage.

I don't know much about K2, but I understand that it's marketed as a synthetic THC source, so, like marijuana, its use will likely cause a huge number of anxiety and panic disorders in those who use it. These substances are very unlikely to cause physical damage, but single use is well known and documented to be associated with anxiety disorders, as these drugs have a much higher THC or psychoactive compound content than in their natural form after being engineered for purpose. Treatment works just as well for those affected as for the rest of us, though :)