View Full Version : can i do this

05-11-11, 23:41
hi all ive been suffering with panic attacks and health anxeity for bout 12 years now and finally ive got some citalopram im on 10mg had my 28th tab today im doing ok only had side affects for bout 2 weeks but dont know if they r helping me or not should i up them to 20 mg just to get back the i dont care feeling when i go out

05-11-11, 23:45
Hi babybell

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-11-11, 23:48
:hugs:thanks hun can u help me y cant i go in the chat room ive done what the asked xxx

05-11-11, 23:52
You have to be a member for 5 days before you can go in chat I am afraid.

06-11-11, 00:11
i have it just wont let me xxx

06-11-11, 00:32
Ahh yes you have chat access lol

You need to have java installed and allow pop-ups

What happens?

06-11-11, 13:18
Hi babybell, sorry to hear you are still feeling unwell, maybe you should speak to your gp about increasing your dose of citalopram, as 10mg is a very low dose, and you seem to be tolerating them ok, i'm sure you will start to feel better when the meds kick in, it is still early days. take care x