View Full Version : Fear of criticism/upsetting others?

06-11-11, 00:51
Hello, does anyone else have this?

I've come off my medications completely after getting some really intrusive thoughts around 2 months ago, but have found I'm getting a lot more worries about things in day to day life (with a bit more depression).

But one of the things I seem to have is a general fear of upsetting others or putting myself in a position where I could be criticised. For instance, when out driving sometimes I feel that maybe I'm somehow inconveniencing somebody else if they come up behind me on a single carriageway road (usually I go at the speed limit or sometimes slightly above) but I still worry that somehow I'm 'frustrating' their progress.

For instance I was coming home on an A road tonight doing between 60 and 65 when somebody overtook after being behind for about a mile - they gave a quick flash of the hazards after they had passed - I don't know whether it was because I lowered my headlights to standard beam from full beam (and was thus saying thanks) or whether he did it because he was annoyed at having to go slower than he wanted to - I worry incase it was the latter.

I also don't like putting myself in any kind of position of responsibility or a position where I could be forced to argue with or confront somebody.

I guess it mostly comes down to self esteem issues and lack of confidence - some people seem to be able to cope with criticism and are assertive enough to know when they are in the right...does anyone have any hints at how to improve self-esteem/assertiveness and cope with any perceived criticism better? I'd prefer not to have to go back on any kind of meds!


06-11-11, 02:51
Can you trace this fear back to your childhood?
I'm guessing you can.

Do you have any friends to talk to about this?
Therapy could really help you.
You may be putting others needs before you but not being fully aware of it, but you can relearn how to start putting yourself first.

Maybe try keeping a diary of daily thoughts and feelings and recognizing when and how you are putting others before you is the first step really.

It could also lead to social anxiety too,

11-11-11, 10:47
I am new here. If it's any consolation I am just the Same as I blame myself for everything. I would also be interested in some Hints, if someone is a bad mood I think it's my fault.....!!!