View Full Version : advise on having time of work due to treatment

06-11-11, 10:05
hi all im mark im currently under treatment for hep c im takein a cocktail of three drugs.there interferon ribavirin and a trial drug deb 025 i started the treatment 5 weeks ago im on week 6 i have a very phyical job which is 13 hours aday im a lorry driver i went to the doctors on friday due to feelin very unwell on there drugs theres to many side affects to list but im not well at the mo so i asked for sum time of work and he was very reluctant to let me hav time of he has signed me off for 2 week but said if i couldnt handle the side affects i should concider quitin the treatment,he said that twice i then said theres no way im quitin cause i wana b free frm the hep c and get on with my life.the rreason for this post is cause i want to no where i stand on this cause i really cant cope with doin all them hours and doin the treatment aswell and would a doctor turn round to a cancer patiant and tell them if they cant handle the side affects then mayb they should stop it i dont think so sumhow!! so any advise about this would b very appriated thanx mark

06-11-11, 10:09
Hi markg1977

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-11-11, 10:17
hello nicola and big hello to u 2 bab.

06-11-11, 11:25
Hi mark, I would ask to see a different doctor and forget the one you are having trouble with, there's no way I would accept that kind of response from a GP.

I have myself recently changed to another doc as the one I was seeing wasn't doing what I wanted...one visit to another doc at the same surgery and I have an appointment at the hospital next week.

You can always go and register at a different surgery if there is another one near you, I have also done that too as I was very unhappy with the doctors I was seeing at the time, you are also entitled to request your GP's medical records to read and have copies made for yourself if you wish.


06-11-11, 12:33
i agree, i think your right mate.im gona look into doin that 2moro and go frm there im alsao goin the hospital 2moro so mayb i could get them to right me a letter thanx for that mate .

06-11-11, 14:54
Hi Mark defo go and see another doctor i dont think thats right what he has said to you!! i kept seeing a different doctor every time i went to the docs and now i have seen a new doctor twice and he is fantastic and is very keen to help me! i hope you can find the same x

06-11-11, 19:20
let us know how you get on, I was a driver for over 12 years on the cash runs, day and night split shifts etc, its not an easy job especially in the winter, if you are feeling ill then you need to take some time off from driving HGV, what are you carrying?, my son is transporting cars now, long hours day and night, he's 28 and fit but can still feel the strain sometimes.

Go easy and good luck at the hospital, if you need something from them don't take no for an answer.
