View Full Version : fearing the worst, MS?

06-11-11, 15:08
My sensation of dizziness/vertigo, imbalance seems to have been triggered by a trip away from my home and what is most known to me, just a year after my father died.
I´m a musician and I went to paris for 4 months… It´s been less than one week of returning home and since the first weeks of my stay in paris I began with a feeling of dizziness, vertigo that hasn´t gone away… I started feeling it at the apartment in front of the computer, thought it was nothing, then after some days i had a panic attack or something and nearly fainted at the metro… then i started feeling it more often...
i´ve always been anxious and do cognitive therapy back home, somewhat on the hypocondriac side… I´ve done blood tests in paris (not sure that counts for MS) oto.neurologist after a month and something of first symptoms (fukuda test, tandem gait, standing with eyes closed, fingers to nose, my pupils checked, postural, inner ear and eyes motricy all normal, no nystagmus or ataxia, he said he found me more than anything stressed) , MRI, babinsky test, blood pressure normal. And i still feel dizzy and when i walk a subjective feeling of not being well balanced. I still walk, ride bike, play the drums and sing, go in the bus or metro and don´t feel motion sickness…
So I search non stop the internet believing i have something wrong, that this can´t just be anxiety, having experienced the symptoms for so long (it´s gonna be 4 months)… I search forums of multiple sclerosis and think I have that.. and with the symptoms not going away i began to have trouble sleeping and became nervous, so i started taking bromazepan to have some sleep at night and freak out less… two days ago i´ve began feeling itchy, tingling feeling all over my body and get so nervous about it...
I´m gonna see again an otoneurologist , both my father and mother in law are doctors and say that the normal MRI pretty much rules out anything really serious or even MS, but i don´t know..
it´s been difficult i must say, would love some support..

06-11-11, 15:11
Hi daphnee

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-11-11, 15:28
Hi daphnee and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Easy for me to say I know, but try not to jump to the worse case scenario about what is wrong with you. What you are suffering sounds a bit more like labyrinthitis to me http://www.labyrinthitis.org.uk/page3.htm
There are no medical experts on here so you are doing the right thing in being checked out thoroughly by one.

Let us know how you get on.

Belle x

06-11-11, 19:33
i;ve been to the oto neurologist and he run a lot of tests, thats what concerns me, he should have known if i had laber.... i had an MRI too..