View Full Version : Ovaries or ibs??

06-11-11, 20:25
Can anyone relate to these symptoms? I have had bad HA in the past but i have been doing ok for the last 12 months or so. About 5 weeks ago i got a bad migraine and headaches so little HA thoughts started kicking in and i tried to ignore them. I convince myself i am not anxious or worried but i know i am sub conciously. I started having bowel issues i.e not going to toilet for few days and then going 2 or 3 times a day and not having a good sleep and waking early. My HA is focused on cancer and lots of people where i live have been dying or diagnosed with cancer.I fill with dread when i hear the word. I feel like it triggers something but i dont admit it does.
Anyway my period was late by 2 weeks and i instantly started worrying and when it eventually came it was light and only lasted 2 days. So i stupidly googled and the first thing that came up was ovarian cancer. I have been getting pains on my left under my armpit and the front and around the back. It also hurts down by my ovary and my leg. I am full of wind and dont fancy any foods that i usually do and feel a little nauseas.Also a few times i have felt shaky as though i need sugar and i feel awful afterwards.I also dont feel well sometime right after i have eaten. Does this sound like Ibs or just HA or a mixture of both?
My best friend says i am being silly thinking its ovarian cancer and i need to get a grip as i have been like this many times before only with different symptoms. Its not as easy as that, once it gets a hold my mind focuses on nothing else but i am dying.

06-11-11, 20:40
Hi, I can sympathise with you totally. It's like on the one hand you know it's anxiety, but there's the "what-if". I have similar triggers as well, and also stress has an effect. I find that when i have HA my body does weird things... i focus on tiny sensations in my body and can imagine pretty much anything. I find exercise helps make me feel better (if I can go for a run it means I'm not at death's door!).

I hope you feel better soon.


06-11-11, 20:52
Yes i am the same i focus on every sensation in my body when i am anxious and worried. The thing thats playing on my mind is the late and light periods because mine have always been regular. I dont know whether to go to the doctors tomorrow and get checked or just ride it out because if i go its fuelling my HA but if i dont i know i will make myself worse with worry.

06-11-11, 22:31
it's a difficult decision... (i'm thinking whether I should go to the dr tomorrow as well :blush:!) our cycles can be really variable.. sometimes mine are weeks late (just out of the blue), sometimes i have pain, sometimes not. I do think with gynae probs its worth getting checked out tho as there are 101 things that can affect our repro system and the vast majority are totally harmless. :yesyes:

Hope the HA goes away soon.


06-11-11, 23:25
Have you had your gynae problems checked out in the past? I had an internal and a pelvic scan last year but that was because i was getting pain in my ovary area but i didnt have any period problems.I might wait to see if my next period is normal.

07-11-11, 00:46
sounds like a good plan. yeah, have been checked out by dr (scan, blood tests etc). if your ovary scan was fine last year i'm sure your late period is hormone/stress related...

07-11-11, 03:58
My doc said that stress can really mess up your periods. I've gotten on the pill because mine were irregular, but even if I get really stressed it gets a little off once in a while. I think you would be ok to see if it regulates itself next cycle, but if you are worried the doc could just put your mind at rest.

07-11-11, 11:32
Well been to docs this morning and i had to have a pregnancy test even though i knew i wasnt and it was negative. She had a little feel of my tummy and said she cant feel anything.They took my bloods to test for hormones and menapause.
Well anyone else would be ok with that but not me, soon as i came out i thought she didnt examine me internally or do any other bloods so if it is ovarian cancer nothing that she has done would detect it. I am never satisfied:weep: