View Full Version : so glad (eastenders) panic attacks and anxiety on tv!

06-11-11, 22:13
Hi all been a sufferer for a while now but so glad that a well known soap eastenders showed one the other night yes i know a soap is not real but its about time panic attacks and anxiety were shown on tv i am not one to read all about the suffering symptoms and what not but its good they showed this happens even my mom began to understand what they are like after watching that yes hers didnt last long and didnt show all the crap we all go through but at least ppl may begin to understand the way we all feel now as when ive had one im stupid over the top etc etc love to all of you would not wish this on my worst enemy! xxx

06-11-11, 22:23
I saw that the other night. Recognised it as a panic attack in a second! Takes one to know one I suppose. I thought it was quite representative of a panic attack compared to a lot of others I've seen on tv.

06-11-11, 22:31
first 1 i have seen on tv tbh haz and yes she looked like she was giving birth but it is the way we all feel as sufferers im so glad im getting my cbt though tbh because i can honestly see its all in my head although its so real sick of aches and pains!! and i hope i overcome this just like i wish u all to overcome this as it is vile not nice in the slightest love to u all x

Vanilla Sky
06-11-11, 22:55
Yes its about time they had that in soaps , theyv had mental health issues but dont think they have touched on panic attacks and anxiety. Think a story line would bring awarness

eight days a week
07-11-11, 12:21
It was brilliant to see the issue brought up, and I hope they spend more time on it :)

It was far too quick though - she calmed down in about ten seconds! They should have cut to a different scene, and then back to Tanya a bit later when she was calmer, but I suppose the scriptwriters don't really understand, and did the best they could (plus they are the EE scriptwriters after all!)

Hope there is even more awareness raised on TV :)

07-11-11, 13:13
A&E used to have a good show called Obsessed, it was kinda like hoarders but with people who have anxiety and OCD. Wish it was still on.

07-11-11, 13:39
i wrote to them a few months back so im glad they listened! The thing that annoyed me more though was that a few of my so called friends actually found it funny =/